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Author pov:

" Arghhh who the fuck is that. " Ivan groaned and opened his eyes. He was shocked looking at the scene. Fernando is sleeping on the same bed more like slept on Ivan.

" You heavy pig, wake up " Ivan growled pushing Fernando away. Fernando whinned and hugged Ivan more tightly.
" Ewwww only your sister have right on my body, not you pig " Ivan said while gritting his teeth.

" Don't you dare, my sister is mine, only mineeee " Fernando murmured and smiled widely still in his sleep. Ivan looked at him with disbelief.
" Wow you got your senses as soon as I got my babygirl into the conversation? " Ivan asked and pushed fernando off him.

" My angel I miss you " Fernando murmured hugging the pillow. Ivan glared at Fernando.
" But My babygirl might have missed us " Ivan said with smirk, Fernando opened his eyes and glared at Ivan.

" Why my angel will miss donkeys? " Fernando said and started laughing, Ivan gritted his teeth and throwed a pillow on Fernando, Fernando looked at Ivan seriously for 5 seconds and again started laughing.
" Die laughing " Ivan said and went out of the room.

Belkovs and Rodrigo Brothers got ready in the house. They all are now going to Grandma's house.

They found Serenity outside the house feeding dogs,
" ANGELLL " Lorenzo yelled and hugged Serenity tightly.  " I missed you baby " Lorenzo whispered and kissed her whole face making her giggle.

" I missed you too " Serenity said with wide smile,
Then fernando and Carlo also hugged her and pampered her with lots of kisses.
" My Babygirl " Dimitri said and cupped Serenity's face lovingly. " Did you sleep well baby? " Dimitri asked and kissed her both eyes. Serenity giggled and smiled at him making his heart warm.

" I missed my sweetheart " Viktor said with a pout and kissed her forehead and cheeks.
" Yahh don't kiss her " Carlo said and wiped Serenity's cheeks. Viktor glared at Carlo and kissed Serenity's cheeks again, Carlo again wiped her cheeks, viktor again kissed her and smirked at Carlo.

Carlo came forward to wipe her cheeks,
" Karry stop it, my cheeks are paining " Serenity said with pout, Carlo cooed at her cuteness.
" Aww my baby, sorry angel " Carlo said and caressed her cheeks softly.

" Children come inside " They heard Grandma's yell,
" Coming granny " Serenity yelled back, " come let's go " Serenity said and smiled at them.
They smiled widely and followed their little princess happily.

They completed their breakfast,
" So where are we going today? " Emma chirped excitedly.
" It is our baby's wish " Fernando said and kissed Serenity's temple.

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