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Silence covered the whole mansion, Rodrigos stopped breathing listening to Belkovs. They know that Serenity will be married one day but they also know she will never leave them alone even when she gets married.

But the emotions they felt at that moment are so emotional, thinking their angel became so big made them cry in sadness. They still remember her roaming around them, that little girl whom they took care of like their little daughter is so big now. She is their sister for a name but actually she is their daughter. She is a sunshine in their lives, she is oxygen to their body, she is calmness to their fucked up life, she is their Angel their little sister.

Lorenzo's knees gave up as he fell on the ground making everyone run to him. They all kneeled infront of her.
" My little cutie pie became so big 'chuckle'. She used to be this little in my arms " Lorenzo said with teary eyes while showing a gesture of holding a small baby in his arms.

" Sh-She always u-used to kiss my cheeks to remove my tiredness. Eventhough she is
li-little she tried to help us with her cute hands 'chuckle'. She is o-our mother, she knows everything about us. Our anger, our hunger, our happiness, our sadness, our tears, our smile, our love, our hate. She
und-understands everything. " Lorenzo said while tears are flowing from his eyes, Carlo and Fernando also started crying remembering their childhood. The only best memories in their lives are all associated with Serenity.

Dimitri took Lorenzo in his arms.
" I know how much Serenity mean to you. she is a gem, so precious. She will always be with you and we all are going to live under same roof like a family. She is a goddess who blessed us with three brother-in-laws. I know she is like your daughter, but the twist is she is not going to leave her fathers behind and go to her husbands, she will bring all of them together. No separation, no tears, no pain, no sadness, our lives are going to be filled with only happiness." Dimitri said making Lorenzo smile in tears.

Lorenzo nodded his head and wiped his tears on dimitri's shoulder while sniffing.
" Yuck stop making my shirt dirty, this is my Babygirl's favourite " Dimitri said and pushed Lorenzo away wiping his shoulder. Lorenzo smirked and rubbed his snort on Dimitri's shirt making him more angry.

" You- " Dimitri stopped in mid when he heard Lorenzo's laugh. His laugh filled with so much happiness, automatically a smile formed on dimitri's lips which made everyone's mood lighten.

Lorenzo chuckled and inhaled deeply while closing his eyes, he lift his head and looked at Belkos with smile and nodded his head positively.
" You can marry our sister " Lorenzo said looking at Belkovs making them smile wide. Belkovs ran and hugged Rodrigos with happiness.

" Move away, we are not that type " Carlo said playfully while pushing Viktor away but Viktor tightened his hold making everyone smile.
" We can change you into one " Viktor said with smirk making Carlo freeze, Carlo pushed Viktor away disgustingly and looked at him with narrowed eyes.
" You guys are straight right? Oh my goddd I need to call the doctor to take some tests on you guys " Carlo said and took his phone out making everyone burst into laughter.

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