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Author pov:

" STOPPP " Serenity yelled loudly while running behind Viktor.
" BABY PLEASE SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME PRINCESS. I WILL GET FULL SHOP FOR YOU" Viktor yelled back while running away for his dear life.

Greta chuckled looking at them, while all maids and guards are smiling at them.
" I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU " Serenity yelled back.
Ivan, Dimitri came down listening to Serenity's yelling, Serenity looked at them and ran to dimitri.
" What happened to my queen? " Dimitri asked softly while cupping her face.

Serenity pouted and showed her finger towards Viktor who hide behind huge sofa.
" Vicky has ate my chocolate donut, I have kept it on dining table and went to kitchen to drink some water, but When I came back he has stuffed the donut inside his mouth " Serenity complained cutely, Dimitri smiled softly listening to her while Ivan couldn't control his laugh and laughed loudly but immediately sealed his lips looking at Serenity's cute glare. Viktor came out from his hinding spot.

" Sweetheart I didn't know it is for you. Please sorry princess " Viktor said while holding his both ears with his hands.
" Babygirl I will immediately tell Andrew and ask him to get all your favourite donuts ok? Don't be sad princess " Dimitri said lovingly while caressing her face.
" I want 10, no no 20. " Serenity said cutely making them chuckle.
" Ofcourse how many you want that many you will get " Dimitri said and pulled Serenity to his chest, Serenity hugged dimitri and nodded her head on his chest, Belkovs smiled looking at her.

Lucia who stood beside Greta is looking at everything with red eyes, she gritted her teeth staring at happy Serenity.
" Why the fuck you are getting everything in your life? You lost your brothers but still you are happy? I know why you are happy because of these Belkovs right? I will first destroy your happiness and then you, then I will get your entire property in my hands, and I might also steal your boyfriends which will make me double rich enough to rule this world. I have once genuinely loved your brothers and wanted to be their wife but that fuckers refused me and never wanted to marry anyone especially me, as they forever wanted to stay with their dear sister. but look at the punishment I gave them for refusing me. I have sent them to hell now it's your turn Serenity. " Lucia thought and smirked evilly looking at Belkovs and Serenity smiling happily.

Just then Lucia's phone started buzzing, she took out her phone and looked at the caller ID.
She silently went away to the backyard and answered the call.
" Haven't I told you not to call me? If Belkovs get suspicious then they will slaughter me into two pieces " Lucia whisper yelled in the call.

" I just wanted to ask is everything fine there or not?" The person in the call asked in cold tone
" everything is fine here, and don't contact me until I tell you " Lucia said while gritting her teeth.
" Ok, when are you going to execute our plan " The person asked making Lucia smirk.
" Soon. Our every plan will get succeeded, Serenity's down fall will start soon and no one can save her. " Lucia said and cut the call. Then she turned around to go inside.
But her steps halted looking at the person infront of her, Lucia gulped down and looked else where in nervous.

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