Bonus 2

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Author pov:

She is two weeks pregnant "

Those words made them numb, Everyone's eyes started tearing but the tears did not wished destruction instead they wished for a grand celebration.

Dimitri and Ivan walked towards unconscious Serenity, Lorenzo stood up and stepped back giving them space. Belkovs kneeled down infront of Serenity, their hands itched to touch her but afraid that they will hurt her in process.

Viktor's gaze moved towards Serenity's stomach, with shaky hands he placed his palm on her stomach.
He took a sharp in take and unable to hide his emotions he started crying with wide smile.
" Pre-Pregnant " Viktor whispered caressing Serenity's stomach, he desperately moved her top upwards and leaned down peppering continuous kisses on her stomach.

Ivan cupped Serenity's face delicately and kissed her forehead lingering his lips there for few minutes.
Dimitri didn't know what to do, he never thought something like this also happens in his life and all credit goes to his little wife who is sleeping on the couch after giving them the second biggest gift of their lives.

He stood up and immediately hugged Lorenzo tightly.
" My wife is pregnant, she is Pre-Pregnant with ou-our kid Lorenzo. Di-Did you hear it, my small babygirl is going to gi-give birth to a baby. She is go-going to give birth to Our baby Ours " Dimitri ranted everything on Lorenzo's shoulder while crying happily. Few happy tears fell from Lorenzo's eyes as he looked at his baby sister.

" Yes dimitri, she is going to gi-give birth to your kid. " Lorenzo said hugging dimitri tightly.
Fernando and Carlo's bodies are shaking with utter happiness, they both looked at each other and started jumping like kids.
" YAYYYY OUR ANGEL MADE US UNCLES. HAHA " Fernando and Carlo yelled at a time

Andrew and Jackson smiled looking at Rodrigos and Belkovs whose smile is not at all leaving their lips.

~ After few hours ~

Belkovs are staring at their unconcious wife without blinking, Rodrigos went out to arrange a surprise for Serenity. They decided to reveal her pregnancy with a cake.

Belkovs trance broke when they heard soft groans leaving Serenity's mouth.

Serenity pov:

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked them twice to get rid of blurriness. I slowly moved my head and found my husbands are looking at me with so much concern. I tried to get up to sit, seeing me struggling Ivan immediately came and made me sit with headboard's support.

" What happened? Why am I here? " I asked with a frown because as long as I remember i was working in the living room. Their eyes have filled with so much happiness, they are smiling like idiots without answering me. Their smiles are no leaving their lips, they are looking at me like I am the most precious thing they have ever got. Their eyes are showing thankfulness, their facial expressions are screaming with pure bliss.

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