Part 15

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Author pov:

Next day in the meeting room

" I don't know why the fuck that Russian Mafias are after us. What do they want from us?" Fernando asked angrily.

" Brother I think we need to have a meeting with them " Carlo said to Lorenzo who is thinking about the issue.

" Let's wait for sometime, we need to deal with them very intelligently if not they will manipulate us" Lorenzo said signing.

" Every single creature in this world fears watching us, but these Russian Mafia are trying to play with us we have to show them how dangerous it could be to cross paths with us." Fernando said with dark tone.

" We will Brother, everything needs a perfect timing" Lorenzo said, both Brothers nodded their heads in aggrement.

While they are thinking about a plan to destroy Russian Mafia they heard a knock. Lorenzo snapped his head towards the door and forrowed his eyebrows.

" Who dared to enter our meeting room floor without our permission " Lorenzo said in a angry tone.

" Guess who can that be?, Who can enter anywhere without our permission." Fernando said wiggling his eyebrows smiling at Lorenzo.

Lorenzo smiled widely and stood up from his place and opened the door immediately. Fernando and Carlo stood up from their places smiling widely.

" Angel? What happened baby do you need something " Lorenzo asked Serenity who shook her head in denile.

Lorenzo picked her in his arms and sat on his chair with her on his lap, Fernando and Carlo sat infront of Lorenzo.

Serenity placed her head on Lorenzo chest with a pout. Lorenzo looked at her and smiled pecking her lips.

" What happened to my beautiful baby?" Lorenzo asked caressing her cheeks.

" our college announced holidays for a month due to some internal reasons, what should I do this whole month without college? I will feel so bored " Serenity said with pout on her face.

Lorenzo looked at Fernando and Carlo with smirk on his face. Fernando and Carlo also smirked at him.

" Ohh, then angel I think we should go to any picnic for some days what say?" Fernando asked softly.

Serenity eyes shined with excitement, she smiled widely making her brothers adore at her beautiful eyes shining with joy.

" Wow that's amazing, Yeahh we will go for any picnic" Serenity said with excitement jumping on Lorenzo lap making him smile widely at his cute angel.

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