Part 31

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Author pov:

Somewhere in world,

A man in his 50's is reading some files in his home office.
" Why every women is a wh*re here, haven't I asked you my daughter in law Should be a perfect queen for my son's?" His voice boomed in the whole office making two of his men shiver in fear.

" S-sorry boss but we have researched about those women but I couldn't find one which you have described" One of the man told while Shivering with fear.

The old man glared at him and stood up from the chair making both men flinch.
" You bloody morons, I want my daughter in law to be perfect and you have to find her anyway " The old man gritted his teeth while glaring at them. The two men bowed their heads.

" W-We will find her boss, we w-will not diss-dissapoint you " Two men said while shuttering, the old man dismissed them and sat on his chair.

" I want a daughter in law for me who I wanted to show my unconditional love and pamper her to the most " the man whispered and a small smile appeared on his lips.

" I know I have never showed my love and care to my sons and I have turned them into monsters but now as I became old, I have realised my mistake but my sons have become very distinct and cold towards me they even don't like to see my face. Now I got to know how they used to feel when I torture them to become perfect leaders and always hide my love and care for them when they used to beg me to free them from that torture. " the man murmured while looking at the photo of his sons. A sad smile appeared on his face.

The old man is none other than our 'Morris Belkov'.

~ At night ~

The night became more dark when the sky witness three monsters getting down from the car. Their clothes are drenched in blood, They smell awful while their eyes are pitch black.

They started walking towards their mansion, every guard moved aside with fear looking at them. The people around them need not lift their heads to see the monsters, their presence is enough to send chills and their breath to become uneven.

They entered the mansion and made their ways to their room but got halted when they heard their father.

" What did you guys do today?" Morris asked his sons, they turned around and looked at their father. Morris flinched with fear looking at them, they are looking like scary Demons.

" Wh-what happened?" Morris shuttered when he looked in his sons eyes.

" You don't know father? One filthy girl touched me. How dare she? My full body shivered with disgust, you know how I felt when she touched me? I felt my full body has burned in acid. I couldn't tolerate anymore and you know very well what we have done next" The oldest son said like a maniac, his eyes showed madness and psychoness. His father looked at him with wide eyes.

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