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Author pov:

" What angel is doing fernando? " Lorenzo asked Fernando while doing his work in the laptop.
" Angel is playing with our wolves and Carlo is also there with her " Fernando said with smile.

" Hmm uncle called me and said he is also coming for the party that is going to be held next week, First I thought not to attend it but as we are the head of the mafia, it is so important for us to be there " Lorenzo said while giving his attention to fernando.
" Yeah and Belkovs are also coming to that party " Fernando said, Lorenzo nodded his head.

" Our angel will also come with us so take all the responsibility for her safety and I don't want any compromise in this matter. " Lorenzo said in stern voice, Fernando eyes turned dark.
" I will never ever let a single danger touch our queen " Fernando said in dark tone, Lorenzo smiled a little and nodded his head.

" Let's go to our baby " Lorenzo said excitingly, Fernando nodded his head and ran out of the room making Lorenzo chuckle.

Lorenzo and Fernando entered inside the garden, their lips stretched into a wide smile looking at their angel laughing and giggle while playing with wolves.
" Hahaha " Serenity laughed as wolves fell on her and started shaking their heads on her body making her tickle.

" You big monsters leave me baby " Carlo whinned pushing the wolves away from Serenity which made wolves sulk Carlo ingnored them and hugged Serenity tightly.
" Are you ok angel? " Carlo asked caressing her cheek, Serenity nodded while smiling at him. Lorenzo and Fernando cleared their throats Serenity looked behind and smiled widely

" Come both of you let's play together " Serenity said and dragged their hands, they both ran with Serenity with wide smile.

Serenity is playing happily with her brothers not knowing something big is going to happen in her life. Will Serenity be strong or become weak?🤷‍♀️

~Next day~

" Angel get up my princess " Fernando said softly caressing her hair, Serenity whinned and placed her head on fernando's lap. He bent down and kissed her cheeks.

" Look we need to select your dress for the party, the designers are waiting for you baby. You can Sleep again after you choose the dress and also I will guard near your door so that no one will disturb my princess sleep "
Fernando cooed in Serenity's ear, Serenity chuckled and sat on the bed.

" You are such a cute brother " Serenity said pinching fernando's cheeks, he smiled and kissed her forehead.
" Do you know your brothers are the head of mafia, everyone get scared looking at us, but here you are calling me cute " Fernando said pinched her nose, Serenity giggled and sat on his lap, fernando held her protectively and made her sit properly.

Psycho Mafias SerenityWhere stories live. Discover now