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Dimitri pov:

I am in my office. I am missing my babygirl so much I just wanted to go to her and hug her tightly and  never leave her even for a second. I looked at Ivan and Viktor who are also in deep thoughts, I know they are also thinking about our babygirl.

After sometime Ivan got a call from one of our men who are guarding our babygirl. We panicked and lift the call.
" What happened?" I asked immediately.
" Ki-King still queen didn't came out of the mansion for her college " he said making me frown, Ivan is looking at me with confusion.

" Why?" Viktor asked,
" We still don't know about that king but just now a lady doctor went inside the mansion " he said making my heart froze. Negative thoughts started occupying my brain, Did something happened to my baby?, Is she alright?

" Wh-What?" Ivan asked with shuttering, I can feel fear in his eyes.
" Yes king, we will know what happened after the doctor come outside " He said.
" Do it fast, call me as soon as you get the information. One minute late and you will be buried deep inside " I said in dark tone and cut the call.

" Fuck what happened there? Di-Did something happened to ou-our babygirl?" Viktor said with tears in his eyes. I throwed the chair on the wall making it break into pieces. My mind is not working properly, I need to see my baby. Nothing will happen to her and I will protect her.

I looked at Ivan who is sitting on the chair with bloodshed eyes, his palms are fisted tightly.
" Nothing happened to her. If something might have happened to her then we would have died here in next second " I whispered with tears flowing from my eyes. M-My baby Pl-Please be safe.

After few minutes I got the call, I lifted it immediately. Viktor and Ivan stood beside me.
" What happened?" I asked with fear.
" Ki-King que-queen is suffering from stomach pain due to her periods. Doctor said it will be so painful for queen during these days " He said making my world stop.

" My baby is in pa-pain?" I whispered while tears are continuously flowing from my eyes. I cut the call and sat on the chair with thud.

" LETS GO " Viktor yelled and walked out of the room. We understood what he is saying, we followed him and reached our babygirl's house.

We three managed to hide from their men and entered inside her balcony. As soon as I saw her I couldn't control and hugged her tightly. Then I lifted her and went inside her room not wishing to increase my baby's pain.

Author pov:

" What are you three doing here?" Serenity asked looking at them who are looking like kids.
Dimitri came forward and kneeled down infront of her making Serenity shock.

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