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Author pov:

" Arghhh" Victor gasped loudly and sat on the bed with a jerk. He started panting heavily, he looked around and found himself on the bed.
" Se-Serenity? M-My sweetheart, ba-baby? Baby BABY? SWEETHEART? " Viktor started calling her with his tears flowing continuously, thinking that something has happened to Serenity.

Viktor stepped out of the bed, but fell down due to weakness. Viktor groaned and tried to stand up.
" VICKY " A voice reached Viktor's ears making him alive, making him breath, he turned his head and found his sweetheart, his Babygirl, his Princess.

He smiled weakly and tried to stand up more desperately to reach her,
" Vicky " Serenity ran and kneeled down infront of him with worried face, viktor immediately pulled her in his lap and hugged her tightly, Serenity held him softly and tried not to put her entire weight on him as he is weak.
" HUG ME " Viktor yelled making her flinch, Serenity immediately hugged him making him sign in relief.

" You are sa-safe, my baby is safe. I will not let
any-anything happen to you, you will ne-never leave us, no one can take you away from us not even you. Do you understand? DO YOU UNDERSTAND? " viktor tone became vernarable to dark, Serenity hugged him tightly.

" I will never leave you Viktor, please don't stress yourself, please calm down. Please " Serenity said softly in his ears while caressing his hair lovingly. Viktor relaxed in her warmth and let her do whatever she want. Serenity is telling soothing words in his ears making viktor feel good.

" Pl-Please don't leave us baby, please we love you so much. Please don't hurt yourself, it will kill us alive." Viktor said between his sobs.
" I promise Vicky I will never do something like that again, please calm down. I will never ever leave you alone, I promise " Serenity said and cupped his both cheeks, he is looking like a small kid who needs to be dealed with extreme love and care.

" Promise? " Viktor asked innocently.
" I promise you " Serenity said with confident tone and kissed his forehead and cheeks.
" Kiss me here " Viktor asked cutely while patting his lips with his finger, Serenity chuckled and kissed his lips softly, before viktor can deepen his kiss Serenity broke the kiss making him angry.

" Yo-You are not we-well, please not now. You can kiss me as much as you want after you recover ok? " Serenity said softly looking at his angry face, viktor immediately smiled and nodded his head.

Serenity slowly stood up from his lap and held his hand, she gently made him sit on the bed while viktor is staring at her lovingly.
" How are you feeling now? " Serenity asked while caressing his hair.

" How are you feeling now? " Serenity asked while caressing his hair

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