Part 30

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Author pov:

Serenity went to college while Brothers went to their company after dropping Serenity in her college.

" I am so sorry seren baby it is all because of me " Emma said hugging serenity tightly. Emma eyes started tearing.

" Tsk Emma ok stop it now " Serenity said while patting Emma's back. Serenity looked at Mia who is shudding silent tears. Serenity signed and went towards Mia.

" Mia, why you are also crying, please don't. I will also cry if you shed even a single tear now " Serenity said while Mia fastly wiped off her tears and hugged Serenity tightly.

" I became so scared when I listened what have happened to you " Mia said with sadness in her tone.

" Now I am fit and fine, the only mistake who have done is Alex " Serenity said with angry tone at the end. Emma banged the table with her fist.

" This is all because of that bastard in disguise. How much we have trusted him, we have treated him equally " Emma said with rage in her eyes, while tears are flowing from her eyes continuously. Serenity signed and held Emma's hand.

" No problem from now on only we three ok?, there will be no fourth person between us " Serenity said while Emma smiled widely and nodded her head like a child. Serenity and Mia chuckled at her.

" By the way who informed you guys about the incident?" Serenity asked while taking a bite from her sandwich.

" Your brothers right hand Jackson, he is so arrogant and also weird. He came to the college yesterday and scolded us very much expecially he scolded Mia" Emma said looking at Mia while Mia is intentionally trying to avoid her gaze with Serenity.

" I will tell him not to behave like that with you guys " Serenity said while looking at Mia, Mia laughed nervously and nodded her head.

Serenity frowned at her behaviour but shrugged it off, after their college Serenity is waiting for her brothers to pick her up. While mia and Emma are giving Serenity company.

Serenity smiled widely when she found her brothers car infront of her, but her smile has dropped when she found Jackson coming out of the car. She looked at him with confusion, Jackson came towards her and bowed 90 degrees infront of serenity.

Serenity smiled nervously as everyone are looking at her, she cutely glared at Jackson and gestured him to stand straight. Jackson scratched his back of the head while Emma chuckled looking at him.

" Where are they? Are they busy?" Serenity asked with her innocent doe eyes. Jackson smiled a little looking at the angel infront of him.

" Yes queen they are little busy, so they asked me to pick you up and drop you at their office " Jackson said with respectful tone. Serenity gasped.

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