Part 7

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❌❌Contains extreme torcher and triggering scenes in this chapter, I will give the warning starting of the scene. But no hate please❌❌

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Fernando pov:

I am controlling my anger, even though we knew who our sister is I cannot hold her to my heart and protect her.

My angel, My baby, My Amore we found her, yes we found her. Happy tears are flowing from my eyes. I looked at my brothers who are also having tears in their eyes with happiness.

Now we are going to our mansion and as soon as we enter the mansion we will get our angel's information, Our baby's past when we are not there with her.

After some time, we have reached our mansion. We three walked as fast as we can like mad people and reached our meeting room. I can sense our guards and servants in our way must be in shock seeing us like this but we cared less.

We saw Jackson is waiting for us near our cabin door with a file in his hands. I took the file from him and gestured him to go. we have entered our cabin, and all three of us sat on the sofa.

I have opened the file and got mesmerised with the photo of our angel.

" She is soo beautiful" Carlo wishpered beside me

" Indeed, our baby is an angel in the form of our mother who has fallen from heaven " Lorenzo said with tears in his eyes.

I took the photo in my hand and kissed it then fallowed by Carlo and Lorenzo kissed her photo.

We have started reading the file,

->Name : Serenity ( surname not known)

->Age : 21

->Place of residence : living in bracciano village in Rome since one year.

" Our angel is in Rome since one year, and even studying in our college but still we couldn't able to find her, shit " Lorenzo yelled and punched the table infront of us.

" I am such a disgusting brother who cannot find his sister, who cannot protect her, who cannot love her even though she is very near to us." Carlo said but I can sense the sadness in his voice

My tears are flowing continuously, no words are comming from my mouth. " I am a failed brother " I whispered and a sob escaped from my mouth.

We have controlled ourselves after sometime and continued to read the information.

-> living with an old lady and a girl named Mia, Serenity has saved the old lady's life one year ago and they have requested serenity to live with them.

" Our angel is not only beautiful from outside, she is also beautiful from inside " Lorenzo said with happy tears making us nod our head.

-> studying in xxx University with the help of scholarship.

Psycho Mafias SerenityWhere stories live. Discover now