Part 40

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Morris pov:

I know this is not the time to ask them about it but I am selfish about my sons and also I want Serenity in my home. Only she can make everything right in the house, she is capable of taking care of everything.

When I first saw that innocent fairy, my heart boomed with warmth. A father born in me looking at that angel, In that second my heart and mind decided that she will be the wife of my sons and my soon to be daughter.

I decided No matter what I will make her marry my sons, but after I saw the madlove and craziness in Rodrigos eyes for Serenity I thought it might be tough for them to accept this but I am not the one to back away from anything. I will make them accept by hook or by Crook.

So I didn't thought a second and asked them,

Author pov:

As soon as those words slipped from Morris mouth everything became silent, it felt like whole world stooped functioning. Brothers are looking at Morris with extreme shock, they never ever felt like that in their entire life. They just frozed there without moving just looking at Morris with wide eyes.

Belkov sons looked at Serenity who is also staring at Morris with shocked face, they signed and thought to cool down the situation. Ivan stepped forward.
" Look Lorenzo you guys don't need to worry about Your sister, we will take care of her and lov-" Ivan words got cut off when Rodrigo brothers roar shaken the whole hospital.

" WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Rodrigos yelled looking at Morris, Lorenzo with fast steps walked to morris moving past Ivan and stood infront of Morris, He lift his arm to punch the old man who tried to take away their angel from them. But his fist just stopped infront of Morris face, Morris didn't flinched he just stood with calm face.

" DON'T YOU DARE TO TAKE OUR HEART AWAY FROM US" Lorenzo roared on Morris face and released his fist.
" How dare you to take advantage in this situation, I would have killed you in a snap if you are not the one who had saved us and if your son didn't have risked his life for saving our angel " Lorenzo said while gritting his teeth, his whole body is shaken up with anger.

" Don't make us hate you, Our angel is not going anywhere away from us. She will be with us till our last breath. UNDERSTOOD?" Fernando said in a dark tone which somewhat feared Morris.

" You can ask us anything, our entire property, our position, anything. But not our Breath, she is ours till our death and after our death " Carlo said glaring at Belkov sons who are also glaring at him.

Lorenzo gritted his teeth and turned around his eyes softened looking at Serenity's confused and shocked face, he bent towards her and kissed her whole face, he then hugged her tightly like he is going to loose her if he leave her even for a second.

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