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Author pov:

" Wh-What did you ju-just say? " Serenity asked with happy tears flowing from her eyes, the glass piece in her hand fell down.
But everything felt so silent after a loud sound of slap, Serenity would be laying on the ground due to the hard slap landed on her soft cheek, if dimitri wouldn't have held her forearm tightly.

" WHAT THE FUCK WAS ALL THIS HUH? HOW DARE YOU TO HURT YOURSELF? DIDN'T WE MAKE IT CLEAR NOT TO DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT AGAIN HUH? " Dimitri yelled on her face with so much rage, but his tears are showing how much he was afraid and terrified. Serenity sobbed softly feeling guilty, but she needed to find about their Brothers, she need to know what happened to her brothers.

Serenity sniffed in dimitri's hold, Belkovs felt their life ended when they looked at her bloodied hands and a cut on her neck. Serenity slowly looked at dimitri whose eyes became dark with tears flowing from his eyes, his whole face became red.
" I a-am sor-sorry " Serenity shuttered while sobbing hard. Dimitri's eyes shifted to her neck which is bleeding, his eyes immediately became soft.

He lift her in bridal style and gently laid her on the bed. Ivan went to bathroom to get first aid kit. Dimitri sat near her head while viktor held Serenity's bloodied hand with his shaky hands. Serenity is looking at them with pleading eyes but they did not look at her even for once which pained her heart.

Belkovs treated her gently while wiping their tears silently, Serenity's heart broken into million pieces for making them cry.
" Di-Dimitri? I a-am sorry" Serenity whispered and held his hand, dimitri gently removed his hand from her hold and stood up.
" You have really hurt me alot princess. You should have killed us rather than torturing us by hurting yourself. Even after knowing how much it hurts us when something happens to you, you didn't cared about us. All you cared about is your brothers. I know you love them and they are your brothers, but we also love you my queen, Without you we are nothing, from the moment we saw you our entire existence became yours. We don't know how we need to show you how much we love you. " Dimitri said in broken tone and left from there.

Serenity sobbed hard looking at his retreating figure,
Ivan and viktor also stood up to go out.
" Pl-Please don't le-leave me alo-alone" Serenity shuttered while hiccuping so bad.

Viktor immediately hugged and started crying loudly,
" I wa-was so sca-scared baby. We lo-love you so much swee-sweetheart. Please don't pu-punish us like this, please do-don't do th-this to us baby we will die pri-princess " Viktor cried in her neck, Serenity hugged him tightly.

" I am So-sorry please forgive me " Serenity said between her sobs, viktor clentched her like she will disappear anytime.
" Pl-Please don't Le-Leave us baby. Pl-Please we do-don't have anyone except you. We wi-will die without you princess " Viktor said like a desperate child, he started to get panick attack. Serenity got terrified and hugged him tightly.
" Vi-Vicky please calm down. Pl-Please take deep breaths. Please calm down " Serenity said and looked at Ivan who is tensed as he took his phone out to call the doctor.

Psycho Mafias SerenityWhere stories live. Discover now