Part 12

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Serenity pov:

I woke up sensing someone kissing my cheeks and caressing my hairs. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my left. I saw Lorenzo is looking at me with smile, he pecked my lips as soon as he saw me opening my eyes.

" Good morning my angel " Lorenzo said and pecked my lips again making me smile widely.

" Good morning " I said to Enzo . I looked down at ferry who is sleeping hugging me with a cute pout on his face. I kissed his forehead and smiled at him while caressing his hairs.

I looked to my right for Carlo but I didn't see him. I frowned and looked at Enzo who is caressing my hair while looking at me adoringly.

" Baby carlo went to get breakfast for you " Enzo said making me nod my head. I tried to get up from ferry's hold but he just tightened his grip on my waist. I pouted and looked at enzo for help but he just laughed at me, I glared at enzo and again slowly tried to remove his grip not to wake him up. He stirred in his sleep.

" Hmmmph " ferry groaned and snuggled his face in my neck making me giggle.

" Good morning my beautiful angel " ferry said in his morning husky voice.

" Good morning, now leave me " I said and tried to get out of his grip

" Never in a billion years" ferry said tightening his grip on my waist. I pouted resting my head on his chest in defeat.

Lorenzo giggled at me, I looked at him and showed my tongue to him making him laugh.

" GOOD MORNING AMOREEE " Carlo shouted coming inside the room, I looked at him holding tray in his hands.

I looked at him and smiled " good morning " I said

He placed the tray on the night stand while sitting on the bed. " hey you leave my angel now " Carlo said to ferry who just rolled his eyes and hugged me securely. I giggled at them.

" Fernando let her go she needs to get ready and eat her breakfast " Lorenzo said in fake stern voice. Ferry groaned leaving me from his hold, I stood up and laughed at him. Ferry smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

Carlo pulled me towards himself and made me sit on his lap. He kissed my cheeks" ok let's go and get you ready " He said while picking me up in bridal style. I placed my head on his chest. He kissed my hairs and made me sit on the table counter and took the toothbrush in his hand, started brushing my teeth, He is smiling the whole time while brushing my teeth as I made wierd faces, after that he went to prepare the bath.

I am just staring at him adoringly, how did I become this much lucky to get three incredible brothers? I thought and smiled at my beautiful fate. After he prepared the bath he kissed my forehead coming towards me, " Take a nice bath my queen " he said while smiling . I nodded my head and kissed his cheeks. He then left the bathroom, I got down and entered into bathtub, it felt soo relaxed as soon as the warm water touched my body.

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