42- Nightmare

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Author pov:

" HOW DARE YOU TO MEET OUR SISTER?" Lorenzo yelled loudly, Serenity and Belkovs turned to see three raging men with red eyes and clentched jaws.

Fernando came towards Serenity and hugged her tightly, he kissed her forehead and caressed her hair.
" Angel you are ok right?" Fernando asked with concerned tone, Serenity nodded her head.

Then Fernando turned towards Belkov sons and glared at them who in return glared at him with same intensity.
" Haven't we told you not to come infront of our angel?" Lorenzo said with dark tone standing infront of Dimitri.

" She is ours " As soon as Dimitri said those words a hard punch landed on his jaw making his head tilt to other side. Dimitri glared at Lorenzo who for the first time hit him in his whole life, his palms are fisted in tight grip making it turn white.

" Don't you dare, she is not yours, not now and not ever " Carlo said in stern voice showing his finger to Belkovs. Belkov sons smirked at them making Lorenzo and Carlo confuse.

" The moment we laid out eyes on her she became ours. Either with your concent or not. " Dimitri whispered in Lorenzo's ear, Lorenzo looked at Dimitri with blood shed eyes.
" Do you remember the letter?, the one you guys got near Alex and Andrian Dead body?" Ivan whispered to Lorenzo and Carlo.

Lorenzo looked at him with shock, Ivan's smirk widened. " Y-You?" Carlo shuttered looking at Belkov sons. Viktor nodded his head with evil glint in his eyes.
" Yes we are the one who killed them for trying to harm our babygirl and placed that letter near them. " Viktor whispered in dark tone.

Fernando and Serenity are not able to hear any of their talk so they just stood there with confused faces.
" What are they talking?" Serenity asked Fernando, who kissed her forehead in return.
" You don't worry angel, hmm " Fernando whispered and pecked her both cheeks.

" The moment when we saw your sister few years back, that is the moment our souls decided that she is Ours. If you send her to us willingly it is good, if not don't make us make things complicate. She is born to be ours, she will be with us forever by hook or by Crook " Ivan whispered in dangerous voice, Lorenzo and Carlo's anger exceeded the limit. Their bodies are shaking with immense aggression, but at the same time the slight fear of loosing their angel started in their hearts.

" Never " Lorenzo whispered in dark tone.
" Our angel will never be yours, she will be with us like a queen until our last breath " Lorenzo whispered while glaring at them. Belkov sons smirked at them.

" We will see " Belkov sons whispered at a time, Carlo stepped forward to hit them but Lorenzo stopped him.
" I won't leave you guys " Lorenzo whispered in dark tone making Belkov sons smirk widen.

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