Part 24

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Author pov:

Today Serenity college starts, Brothers are feeling so much upset about it but they cannot extend the holidays so much or else their baby will get suspicious.

" I will miss you baby " Carlo said hugging Serenity tightly not leaving her.

" Karry I am getting late to college let's gooo" Serenity whinned in his arms, but Carlo just tightened his grip on her.

Serenity signed in defeat, " if you let me go to college then when I come back home then I will recite you your favourite story. You can sleep on my lap while I will stroke your hair ok?" Serenity said making Carlo smile widely, he backed away from the hug.

" REALLY? " He asked like a kid making serenity chuckle at him. She nodded at him, he kissed her whole face in happiness.

" Then what are our presents princess? " Lorenzo and Fernando asked while coming towards serenity, Lorenzo is holding serenity's bag while Fernando is holding her lunch box.

She smiled widely and hugged them, " we will have a movie night today while cuddling ok? " She said making them boom with happiness.

They all smiled and went towards the car along with the bodyguards behind them, they entered the car and started their journey to Serenity college.

As they reached the college brothers hugged her tightly and kissed her whole face one by one, Serenity chuckled at them.
" Angel Don't talk to boys or anybody except your friends ok? If you get slightest problem straight away call us and if you feel uncomfortable inform us we will take you home ok? " Lorenzo said cupping her face.

Serenity smiled and nodded her head, they once again kissed her forehead and drove off.

" Jackson tell our men to keep an eye around your queen, she should not face any problem. If you find anyone suspicious or anyone getting close to your queen then kill them straight away " Fernando said in dark tone to Jackson in call.

" Yes master, I will take care of it " Jackson said from other side, Fernando cut the call and nodded his head looking at his brothers, they entered their company with asusual cold faces not caring about their employees greetings.

In college,

Serenity entered the college, whoever looked at Serenity in the next second their heads are bowed down. Serenity frowned at them but shrugged off thinking it is not related to her.

She went near her locker and took her books, as soon as she turned around she got a bone crushing hug from her best friends.

" How are you baby? " Mia asked her with wide smile, Serenity laughed and nodded her head.

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