Part- 50

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Author pov:

Serenity got freshed up and went downstairs to have dinner.
" Come princess let's eat " Lorenzo said with beautiful smile, Serenity smiled and went towards them. Lorenzo placed her in his lap and caressed her hair.

" Angel I am sorry baby " Lorenzo whispered with tears in his eyes, Serenity looked at him and cupped his cheek.
" I am not mad at you enzo, I will never be. I love you three with my heart " Serenity said making Brothers smile at her widely, they three hugged her and kissed her forehead.

" Now let's feed our baby's small tummy " Fernando said making Serenity giggle.
They completed their dinner with beautiful smiles and giggles.

" Angel you go sleep, we have a important work. We will join you once we complete our work ok?" Carlo said while caressing her hair, Serenity nodded her head with smile, they kissed her forehead and went to their study room.

Fernando pov:

We need to find the source of that video, once we find him then we don't know if we will be able to control our beasts.
" Brother I have sent the video and number to Jackson to find about the details " I said and looked at Lorenzo who is shaking in anger.

" Lorenzo don't worry we will find him and make his death a hell, we will torture him until his body drained out of blood. " Carlo said with clentched jaw. I looked at him and nodded my head.
" I never thought someone will try to separate us from our angel like this by making her hate us " Lorenzo whispered with tears in his eyes. I gulped down my sob and patted his back.

" Then we will kill his thought in the most miserable way " I said with my eyes radiating fire.
" We will " Lorenzo said in dark tone with his eyes black.

Serenity pov:

I am looking at the sky thinking all the incidents happened today. Are my brothers in mafia?, I signed sadly and looked at the sky. Suddenly a thunder lightened in the sky, I smiled widely looking at the dark clouds.

Is it going to rain? I thought and jumped happily. I like playing in rain since childhood, my brothers and me used to dance in the rain.
" WOWWW " I yelled loudly when the rain have started falling. I quickly ran out of the room and entered the garden.

" HaHa " I started laughing and twirled around feeling every droplet on my body.

" HaHa " I started laughing and twirled around feeling every droplet on my body

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Psycho Mafias SerenityWhere stories live. Discover now