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Serenity pov:

After I got to know about my brothers, I was so happy. They are alive yes they are alive. They will come to me within few days then we all will live happily. I smiled as I have laid on Ivan's body, he is caressing my back and is kissing my face time to time making me smile.

" Ivan I will go and talk to Di-Dimitri " I asked, my heart is beating so fast due to extreme fear. Dimitri is so angry, but the pain in his eyes made my heart break into pieces. I need to give him comfort and as Ivan told I need to assure him that I will be with them forever.

Ivan smiled and kissed my forehead,
" Ok princess, and promise me you will shout my name if something bad happens. I am 1000% sure that Dimitri will never harm you intentionally, but his anger is beyond limits so be careful. " Ivan said with concerned face, I smiled and nodded my head.

" I know you three will never harm me, I will take care of dimitri " I said softly and kissed his forehead. Ivan relaxed and hugged me tightly.
" Thank you so much for coming into our lives princess . We love you soo much baby to infinity " Ivan said and broke the hug. I smiled and looked at him who is staring at me with extreme love in his eyes.

Ivan is taking me towards dimitri's room, I held his hand tightly,
" Baby please don't go if you are afraid hmm, he will be fine within few days ok? I don't want you to get stress for us Princess" Ivan said while caressing my face as we stood infront of dimitri's room.
" No Ivan I have caused this mistake and I will rectify it. Dimitri is angry because he has cared for me right? Dimitri is upset for not able to stop me getting hurt right? " I said as Ivan nodded his head with teary eyes, I hugged him and felt his protective and tight hug in return.

" I will make him normal, you please take care of Vicky ok? " I said and backed away from hug making him whin like kid. I chuckled and pinched his cheeks.
" I love you my cute little princess " he said and kissed my nose, I glared at him and pushed him away playfully.
" NEVER DO THAT " Ivan growled holding my forearm tightly.
" I a-am sor-sorry " I said and looked at him who is looking at me with red eyes.

" Please Don't ever push us away from you Princess we cannot breath. " Ivan said and kissed my forehead, I nodded my head and smiled a little.
" I will go now and don't hesitate to call me if you need me ok? " Ivan said with concern. I smiled and nodded my head, he left after kissing my whole face one more time.

I exhaled heavily and stared at the door infront of me, I slowly went towards the door and knocked on it for two times.
" Serenity even I couldn't hear your knock how can dimitri hear it, knock it loudly " my brain yelled making me tense.

" Ok ok cool down Serenity, he is just a big baby who is upset. You can do it come on knock harder " I said to myself and knocked on the door so hard.

Psycho Mafias SerenityWhere stories live. Discover now