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" Arghhh " A groan escaped from Serenity's mouth, she squirmed trying to reduce her pain that emerged throughout her body but her slight move added more pain to her. She slowly opened her eyes but couldn't see anything so she closed her eyes and opened them again but couldn't see anything except dark. Her eyes roamed around to find something.

" Wh-Where am I? " Serenity whispered and a Yelp escaped her mouth due to the extreme pain on her forehead, then she recalled everything that happened few hours ago.
A sob left her mouth as her memory flashed to Fang's painful body falling on the ground.
" Fa-Fang how are y-you? " Serenity whispered while tears are flowing from her eyes.
" Please be safe " Serenity whispered in exhausted tone, her body again fell into unconsciousness due to stress that her body is experiencing.

" FINALLY, YESSSSS " Lucy yelled while smiling like a weird psycho. Her eyes shifted to the man infront of her who have a wicked smirk playing on his lips.
" Dad we have done it, now no one can stop us. We will rule Italy and Russia with our fingers and command the whole world " Lucy said and hugged her Dad.

" Yes my daughter, This all credit goes to you. The thing which I wanted to do before many years got succeded now. I am so proud of you my princess " Luis said hugging her daughter with a evil smirk.
Their hug was broken when their thrusted man Lucus came inside the room with smug face.
" What happened? " Luis asked with raised brow.

" They are here " Lucus said making Lucy's and Luis face burst into laugh.
" Those fuckers thought that they have found us and they are going to defeat us? " Luis said between his laughs. Lucy chuckled and walked out of the room along with Luis and lucus.

Dimitri pov:

We have followed shadow and Fuzzy and reached to a abonded place which looked like a warehouse, these wolves have imprinted our Babygirl's scent in their brains that they took us here with their smelling sense.
My eyes have turned red in extreme rage thinking about the brutal death we are going to give to the ones that have dared to take our babygirl away from us, now this world will see the real hell.
As we have entered inside We were welcomed with silence, we have roamed our eyes around the place.

" Andrew spread all over with our men and look for anything suspicious " Ivan said with dark tone. Andrew nodded his head and stepped forward with our men but everyome stopped in their tracks as white smoke started emerging from every corner.
" FUCK " I yelled realising it is a drug that made many of our men fall unconscious.
before we realise everything turned black and the last words I heard before falling into unconscious are Ivan's and Viktor's cursing along with shadow's and fuzzy's hawls.

" Fuck " I grunted with twitched face, I slowly opened my eyes and found everything dark. I tried to rub my head but my hands felt like they were restricted.
" FUCKING SHIT " I yelled which made the persons beside me stir.
" Ivan? Viktor? " I said and heard some groans in response.
" Are you alright? " I asked while gritting my teeth, how dare they to capture us? If they are thinking that capturing us will make them alive then they are so wrong because they are just making their death more brutal.

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