Part 3

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Please vote and comment RedHearts

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Authors pov:

Somewhere in Bracciano ( A village in Rome)

A beautiful girl sat on the sand, looking at the lake infront of her with an unknown gaze. Her eyes held many emotions, many feelings, immense amount of pain.

Anyone can fall head over heals for her. Why not, the girl with soft heart as pure as fire.

Her soft touch is enough for anyone to remember that feeling forever. Her eyes are so deep which can drown anyone with her single glance. The smile on her hearty pouty lips can make everyone day peaceful. Everyone who look at her want to caress her long soft hairs lovingly.

" Why God, why are you not showing mercy on me, please god, I want to live my life happily with my family, with my brothers, please " she pleaded with glittering eyes. A lone tear escaped from her eye.

She just sat there peacefully until,

"SERENNN" Someone yelled her name making her to look back. A girl in 20's came running towards the girl.

" Seren you are here, I am searching for you" the girl said while taking long breaths.

" what happened Mia, why are you here?" Serenity asked and got up on her feets.

" What happened?, We are getting late for the train, we need to go to Rome today, we have completed our holidays, we need to go back to college miss beautiful" Mia said making serenity laugh.

" Ok let's go" serenity said

As they both walked back to their cozy and beautiful home.

As soon as they entered inside they got invited with the sweet smell

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As soon as they entered inside they got invited with the sweet smell. Serenity smiled widely and ran into kitchen, Where a women in her 60's is cooking their favourite dish .

The woman smiled widely when she felt a hug from behind, she turned around and kissed serenity forehead lovingly.

" Grandma what did I told you about working, you are not supposed to work, you are supposed to live happily by taking rest ok?" Serenity said with a cute stern voice, making grandma laugh at her.

" Yes my dear love, but I need to anyways work when you both go to Rome" grandma said with a sad tone, not willing to send her both granddaughters away from her.

"Seren until you came in our lives, we have lived like this with difficulty and with more hard work, but after you came one year before. our lives became more cherishing miss beautiful" Mia said comming inside the kitchen.

" Me and grandma are soo lucky to have you, and thank you for saving grandma's life" Mia said and hugged serenity

" You idiot, I am soo lucky to find you both and I already established a close relationship with both of you in this one year" serenity said

" Thank you dear" grandma said making serenity smile

" Now no thank you, now give me your hand made food" serenity said with exciting voice jumping a little making Mia and grandma chuckle at her.


When serenity knew about their brothers are living in Rome she started her journey to Rome. While travelling she stopped at Bracciano village, and walked towards the lake.

Then she found some groans from fields near the lake , serenity frowned and fallowed the voice, then she saw a old woman is breathing heavily and looking for something on the ground.

Serenity went towards her and kneeled down and asked " grandma grandma what happened? Do you need anything, do you need water?" Serenity asked but grandma just shook her head and signalling something with her hands and started breathing more hardly.

Serenity became afraid, she don't know what to do, she is unable to understand her signals.

" Grandma please try to talk something , please" serenity asked with teary eyes. She felt like crying looking at grandma

"M-my in-inha-inhaler " grandma said with low voice

"Oh your inhaler, one second I will search for it" serenity said and started looking here and there with tension and found it in between the fields.

She ran towards grandma and held her head and placed it on her lap and gave inhaler to her. After sometime grandma became normal.

" Thank you dear, Thank you soo much, you came like a goddess to save me." Grandma said and kissed serenity forehead lovingly.

Then serenity took her to her house and went inside with grandma. There serenity saw a girl in 20's walking back and forth with tension. Then the girl looked at her grandma and came towards them and hugged her grandma tightly.

" Granny where were you, ohh my god what happened to you?" The girl asked grandma

" Nothing Mia " grandma said and narrated the whole incident to mia

Mia looked at serenity and hugged her tightly,
" thank you soo much, you helped us like an angel" Mia said with tears flowing from her eyes.

" She is really an angel" grandma said

That's how serenity known about them and she also found Mia is studying in the same University serenity has applied for . So they requested serenity to live with them and go to college with Mia. As serenity also don't have anyone in Rome she said ok to them.

From then serenity became close with them, she helped them in their livelihood alot. serenity said her entire past to them. Both Mia and granny felt very sorry for her past and thought such a little girl has went through a lot.

End of fashback

" Bye grandma" serenity and Mia said at the same time making grandma chuckle at them.

" Bye my dears, and yeah take care of your health, NO BOYFRIENDS Yeah?" Grandma said in a stern voice making both girls laugh.

" Ok bye granny" serenity said and kissed grandma cheeks.

Then Mia and serenity both started their journey to Rome.

Hi Redhearts,

How is the chapter?, Any suggestions?

What do you think about serenity life?

What will be the reaction of brothers after they find their sister?

Maybe brothers and sisters will meet eachother within five episodes.
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Thank you

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