Part 38

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Author pov:

" En-Enzo "

As soon as Serenity said those word everyone's eyes sparkled, lorenzo immediately stood up and hugged her tightly and started crying.

" An-Angel " he whispered and kissed her forehead and followed by every inch of her face.

Ivan and Viktor ran near her, their tears started spilling looking at her they are relieved, they gulped down their sobs and looked at that fairy who have a small smile on her face.

" I-I am ok " Serenity whispered as Fernando shook his head and layed her on his chest and caressed her hair.

" I lo-love you ba-baby I love you soo much " Fernando whispered and kissed her both cheeks, Serenity smiled at him and snuggled in his warm chest.

Fernando kissed her crown multiple times while sniffing, but his mind is disgusted with him for not taking care of his sister. He released her slowly and made her lay on the bed gently, the second when he lost her touch with Serenity his cries became harder.

"Fe-Ferry what ha-happened?" Serenity asked with shock looking at his condition. Carlo went towards her and calmed her down.

" Karry Pl-Please you guys do-don't cry. I am also feeling to c-cry " Serenity whispered with teary eyes, everyone's eyes became wide and everyone wiped off their eyes immediately and smiled at Serenity.

" Ba-baby look we have stopped crying, please don't cry Ang-Angel. Are you feeling hungry baby ?" Carlo asked while caressing her cheek.

Serenity shook her head and hugged him tightly. Carlo closed his eyes and wished to take her all fear and pain away, he tightened his grip and hugged her tightly.

Ivan and Viktor looked at their babygirl with so much love and posession, they couldn't able to resist from hugging Serenity tightly and shower her with unlimited love. They just wanted to hold her in their arms and swallow her deep inside their soul.

Even being that close to her they couldn't hold her and love her with lots of kisses, they felt anger inside them because they are becoming addicted to her which is forbidden to them but they are stubborn to get that drug and increase their addiction.

After giving a last glance to Serenity, they smiled while pushing back their sobs and went out of the room with heavy heart.

~After sometime~

Now three brothers are hugging Serenity tightly as if she is going to disappear again once they leave her, they felt content and their souls filled with love for the little angel in their arms. But the guilty in their mind is eating them up, they just wanted their angel to remove that guilt with her punishments they are going to accept anything even they will give their life to repent their mistake. They just want everything to become normal, with their angel in their arms like always and forever.

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