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HEY REDHEARTS, I am back as promised.
So sorry for making you guys wait but there was a big problem in our family. I couldn't even had time to take my phone out.

Thank you for understanding me. But there were some readers who became angry, and I can understand them as I also feel frustrated if the story is left in the middle. But I have promised I will come back, please try to understand me. I am so much stressed mentally in the last month.

All I could say is my readers are my friends and my well-wishers. Thank you for supporting me until now and I wish you guys will support me in future also. Thank you so much♥️♥️♥️

Let's come back to story enjoy♥️♥️♥️

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Let's come back to story enjoy♥️♥️♥️

Serenity pov:

I just laid on the bed with tears flowing from my eyes continuously thinking about my brothers.
" Am I a bad sister? I think I am a bad omen. My mom died as soon as she gave birth to me and as my brothers were happy they have also left this world. I think I should have died in my mom's womb that would have been the best " I whispered as a painful sob escaped from my mouth.

" I am sorry for being a bad sister, I am so bad so bad " I whispered closing my eyes. I opened my eyes with a jerk when I felt warm fingers wiping my fingers. Dimitri leaned down and kissed my forehead and eyes, I looked at him helplessly.
" No Princess please don't cry? Your brothers will be proud of looking at their sister so strong, You are their strong woman right? " He asked caressing my cheeks softly. I nodded my head with tearful eyes, he signed and slowly took me in his lap.

I placed my head on his chest and closed my eyes,
" Sweetheart please eat and then sleep love, you became so pale baby. " I heard Viktor's voice beside me I opened my eyes and looked at him. Dimitri made me sit straight on his lap and gestured victor to feed me.

I opened my mouth and took the bite from viktor's hand he smiled and kissed my forehead, Ivan sat behind me and started rubbing my back making me sign in comfort.
" Enough " I whispered and kept my head in dimitri's neck, he tightened his hold on me and kissed my hairs.

" Baby drink some juice, please lollipop I made it with so much love " Ivan begged with his cute voice, I came out from dimitri's neck and looked at his hand which had glass of juice, He looked at me with puppy eyes. I smiled little and nodded my head.

" He made it tasty for you babydoll " Dimitri said while caressing my hair, I forwarded my hand to hold the glass but Ivan pulled away the glass and shook his head.
" I will feed my queen " he said and forwarded the glass near my lips.

I sipped the juice as Viktor put his palm below my chin so that juice will not spill down on me. I drank full glass, it was so tasty.
" It's so yummy " I squealed in joy, Ivan smiled widely and hugged me.
" I am glad you liked it kitten " he said and kissed my neck making me shiver.

Psycho Mafias SerenityWhere stories live. Discover now