Part 18

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Author pov:

Serenity held the plate in one hand while hiding her injured hand with her dress. Maria is so scared and also worried. She don't know if it will be her last day if the brothers find out about it.

Serenity looked at Maria who is slightly shivering with fear. " Don't worry maria even if brothers get to know I will manage them, you both don't worry about it " Serenity said while smiling. Maria smiled at her Beautiful heart.

But Maria knows that even if the Brothers do nothing infront of Serenity, they will definitely kill them once Serenity is out from their sight. Maria is an orphan so she don't have to worry about dieing. She knows it is not her mistake it is Sofia's but the brothers will not listen and kill both of them. She smiled sadly and waved at serenity who is going to her brothers.

" What the hell Sofia, you should have been careful. Do you know if they get to know they will kill us brutally " Maria yelled once serenity is out of their sight.

" It is not my mistake, it is hers who told her to jump like a monkey. Is she a kid or what?" Sofia said in angry tone making Maria shook her head in disbelief.

" She is adorable, she loves her brothers a lot, she is so happy for making cookies for her brothers. She is not acting like a kid you are acting like a kid here " Maria said to her, Sofia rolled her eyes muttering whatever.

" Be ready if they get to know we will die " Maria said and left from there.

" I know that they will kill us if they get know, but I know I have manipulated Serenity well that it's her carelessness, so the brothers will scold serenity. " Sofia murmured with evil smile.

Carlo pov:

I know I haven't talked to my angel from yesterday and it is eating me alive. Not talking to her is something that I cannot live with but I need to calm down now and talk to my angel.

I smiled and stood up to go to her room as we have just completed our meeting.

" I will go to our angel's room " I said to Fernando and Lorenzo they smiled widely nodding their heads.

I sniled and made my way towards my angel's room.
I knocked at the door but there is no response, I again knocked the door but it is silent again so I opened the door knob and entered inside. I looked around not finding my angel, I frowned and thought where she could be.

I came out of her room and looked around the corridor and smiled seeing my angel entering my bedroom. I smiled widely and entered inside the room. Her back is facing me while she is placing something on the table, without waiting a second I back hugged her tightly. I felt alive again I know how much I missed her from yesterday, I know I have made a mistake by not talking to her.

Psycho Mafias SerenityWhere stories live. Discover now