Chapter 2.

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It's Lunch time now, and I see Eddie sitting with Mike and Dustin, and the other members of the Hellfire Club. I noticed that Eddie was reading a magazine, "Dungeons and Dragons, at first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, now has both parents and psychologists concerned. Studies have linked violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even... Murder." He slammed down the magazine as he said, "Murder."

I never thought there was anything wrong with the game of Dungeons and Dragons. Though I've never played it, I wouldn't mind learning how to play. I hoped that Dustin and Mike would mention me and see if Eddie would let me join. They continued to discuss the article, and one of the guys chimed in, "Society has to blame something. We're an easy target." Eddie didn't seem too happy about what the article said, and I didn't blame him one bit. "We're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game." Then Eddie stood up and got on the table; it shocked the hell out of everyone. "But as long as you're into band or science," he looked over at the table of kids that seemed too cool to be in school, wearing sunglasses. "Or parties..." one of the kids flipped him off, then he looked at the basketball team's table and screamed, "Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets...." That's when Jason looked at him, "You want something, freak?" Eddie made devil horns with his fingers and stuck out his tongue, and made a weird snarling noise. I was watching everything from my table since it was on the left of Eddie's table, and I couldn't help but laugh. He wasn't quite finished with his rant, "It's forced conforming." A girl was walking by. "That's what's...."  Eddie yelled again and scared the shit out of the girl, "Killing the kids." Everyone at his table started laughing. The girl walked off; Eddie sat back down and said, "That's the real monster."

Dustin and Mike looked at this man with praise, but I could tell they were a little afraid of him; it was time for them to mention Lucas. Dustin spoke up first, "So, uh, speaking of monsters, uh, Lucas has to do his, uh, balls in laundry baskets game." Eddie was staring at them, not looking interested in what they had to say. Poor Dustin didn't know what to say next, so he had to explain that Lucas wouldn't be able to join and that they should postpone the campaign. Everyone at the table was going off, and Eddie shouted, "Shut up." The whole table went silent. Damn, he's cute when he's mad.

Eddie went off on another tangent, explaining how Jeff is graduating soon and Gareth has another year or so. Eddie was strutting around,  telling them he was trying to pass Ms. O'Donnell's class if he didn't blow the final, and he was going to walk across the stage and flip off our principal, "I'm gonna snatch that diploma. I'm gonna run the hell outta here." He was just so adorable. I watched him messing around, making everyone laugh. I never really understood why people think he's a freak. He is far from it. Jeff and Gareth said that he said that last year and the year before. "Yeah, yeah, and I was full of shit. This years different. This year is my year. I can feel it. 86' baby." He walks over to Dustin and Mike and bends down, and talks to them; I'm not exactly sure what he says, but I saw him grab them by the collar of their shirts, and he pushes them off. I get up from my table and follow them, "What was that about?" They looked at me and looked at each other.

"Should we tell her?" Dustin whispers to Mike, and they look back at me and smile at me. "He wants us to find a replacement for Lucas. We didn't really get a chance to mention you (y/n), sorry." Dustin did look genuinely sorry, and I wasn't mad at them. "Don't be sorry, Dustin, but if you do need someone..." they look at each other again and then back at me. "That's the thing, (y/n) Eddie's looking for someone who understands the game. Someone who's been playing for a while." Dustin rubbed the back of his neck, and he looked uncomfortable. "Oh, hey, that's okay. I get it. I just, you know, wanted to get a chance to see you guys in action, maybe learn a thing or two." I wasn't trying to make them feel bad, but they both winced at my words.

"Dammit!" Mike said, "Okay, how about this we will have you in the club, but we do need to also find someone who's more advanced in the game." I couldn't help myself from getting excited, and I actually had a chance to see Eddie Munson.

"Oh my gosh, you guys, thank you." I wrapped my arms around them and hugged them.

"Yeah, it's no problem (y/n). But Mike and I have to look for that other person." Dustin fixed his hat since I almost knocked it off him because I practically jumped on them to hug them.

"Yeah, totally." I waved them on to get moving to find their other person. "Just out of curiosity, do you know of anyone that would be interested?" Dustin asked. "Um, no, not really. Sorry." I felt bad that I couldn't help them. "It's no problem," Dustin sounded worried when he said it. "I really wish I could help you guys." I honestly felt bad. "We'll find someone." Mike gave Dustin a pat on the back to reassure him. "Let's get going. We'll see you later (y/n)." I waved bye, and they walked off.

I looked at the Hellfire clubs lunch table; Eddie was still there with the other three guys. I wonder what they were talking about? Probably D&D? Eddie looked good; he had his hellfire club T-shirt on and a leather jacket, and over that jacket was his DIO jean vest.  My thoughts went back to the talent show we had back at HawkinsMiddle, Eddie and his band Corroded Coffin played that night. They chose a Dio song; Eddie was there playing the guitar and singing. He told everyone at school that he's been practicing the guitar, and he taught himself. "Uh, scuse us..." my memory faded, and when I looked up, I noticed that Eddie was in front of me. Jesus, how long was I standing here? "Oh, sorry." I felt my face get hot, my cheeks probably turning bright red. I could melt into a pool right here on this floor; Eddie Munson was so sexy.

"It's okay." Eddie walked right on by, probably not fazed by my reaction to him at all. But I did hear Jeff and Gareth snicker behind me. 

I hope Dustin and Mike find another person to fill in for Lucas.

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