Chapter 43

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Eddie's P.O.V

Prom Day

I searched everywhere for my cigarettes, I just had them only a few minutes ago and now I can't find them anywhere. I'm feeling a bit anxious, I don't know why I feel so nervous. It could be a few things that are making me feel this way. Number 1, I don't feel very comfortable dancing in public. Number 2, I don't like being out in public whatsoever. Or Number 3, (Y/n) wants to lose her virginity tonight. Don't get me wrong I'm kind of excited that she wants to do it, but I'm also feeling apprehensive.

"Looking for these?" My uncle Wayne asks waving my pack of cigarettes in front of my face.

"Yes. Where the hell were they?" I asked taking them from his hand.

"Right where you left them." He replied, looking at me like I lost my mind.

"Oh yeah, right." I left them on the table and went to change into my clothes for Prom and I must've been a little distracted that I forgot they were there.

"What's going on?" Uncle Wayne asked.

"Whaddya mean? Nothing is going on." I tried to sound like I wasn't nervous. Who am I kidding though, I've been shaking for a while.

"Come on Eddie," Uncle Wayne put his hand on my shoulder, "You can tell me anything."

I shrug, "I don't know. I guess I'm just a little nervous about dancing in front of people, you know I'm not a dancer."

"You do have two left feet." He laughed. "But I know that isn't the reason you're nervous. It has to do with (Y/n) doesn't it?"

"I mean..."

"Look, Eddie, you know I love you," he pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath. "You have to be careful tonight, I know what you plan on doing tonight."

"I..." Uncle Wayne puts his hand up.

"I'm not stupid." He laughs. "Besides, it's the same thing I did with my high school girlfriend after prom. And yes it was a long time ago, but boys will be boys."

"Are you saying that she and I shouldn't?"

"I'm just saying to be careful. You're old enough to know better." He pats me on the back.

"I love her, and I know that I want to be with her."

"Just wrap it up, Kay."

I cringe, "Yeah, I know." I don't want to hear my uncle say anything about wrapping it.

"I want you guys to be careful, you don't want any children running around just yet. And you won't want to get your ass beat by her dad or by me."

"Don't worry, I'm going to be careful." I pull out condoms from my pocket.

"Good boy." Uncle Wayne pats me on the back again. "Now it's time for you to get your girl and take her to prom."

Once I reach her house I step out of the van and walk over to the front door. Once I knock, (Y/n) opens the door. She walked me into the living room, Dustin Lucas and Max were there eating pizza.

"It's a party now," Dustin said getting up from the couch to give me a side hug.

"Hey, Henderson." I clapped Dustin on the back and looked down at the pizza. "Ooh, pizza." I took a piece and started eating it. (Y/n) laughed.

"What?" I asked with a mouth full of pizza.

"It's nothing." She said shaking her head.

"Want a bite?" I ask waving the pizza around.

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