Chapter 24.

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Holy shit, he saw me. I closed the curtain to the window and ran off to the stairs. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I almost banged into Max. "Shit, sorry," I said breathlessly.

"Why were you running down the stairs?" Max asked.

"I was looking out the window, and I saw Eddie get into his van." My face turned red, and Max gave me a sly grin. "Anyway, as I watched him, he looked up at me and waved, which scared me."

"Aw, you're his stalker now." I can hear the sarcasm in her voice.

"Shut up." I laughed.

"I took care of it for you, though; I got him to spill his guts."

"What exactly did he say?" It shouldn't matter, but deep down, I know I still like him, and I can't stay mad at him forever. Max and I walked up the stairs back into my room as she explained what went on with Eddie. He wanted to apologize to me, and I thought it was so sweet that he came all this way just to see me. I definitely feel like an ass for slamming the door in his face.

"Oh my god (Y/n), he's got it so bad for you." Max laughed.

"Do you really think so?"

"Uh, yeah. I mean the fact that he came all this way just to apologize. What guy even does that? For Lucas, I'm the one that has to push it out of him to apologize."

"Really? Why?" I asked curiously.

"Because, I threaten to break up with him. We've broken up at least five times. And it scares the shit out of him." Max started to laugh, and I joined in with her.

"Wow, five times? That's crazy. But it's obvious that Lucas loves you." I looked at Max admiringly. Max blushed a bit.

"He can be a total pain in the ass, but I truly care for him. Even when he's being a douchebag." Max said matter of factly.

"What should I do now? Do I accept his apology?" Max was very wise when it came to relationships.

"Definitely not." She shook her head. "You make him see that you're worth it, and he'll come crawling to you begging for forgiveness."

"Is that what you would do?"

"Duh, I do it all the time with Lucas."

"Oh, okay." Maybe I should just listen to what Max has to say, and perhaps it will go in my favor, and Eddie will apologize to me and ask for my forgiveness. Maybe I shouldn't forgive him just yet and see what he would do. Oh no, that sounds terrible.

"Uh oh, what are you thinking?" Max arched her brow.

"Nothing." I waved it off.

"Oh, come on, spill it." She shoved my shoulder, and we laughed.

"Well, I was thinking about if he was to crawl and beg to me, maybe I wouldn't forgive him right away." I shrugged, "I mean, have him think I'm still pissed at him and that he would do something to prove to me that he needs my forgiveness."

"Oh my god, that's freaking genius." Max grabbed my shoulders and shook me.


"Uh yeah. That's something I would totally do to Lucas. Oh my god (Y/n), I just thought of something, now bear with me..." Max explained how I should try and make Eddie jealous. When we go back to school, talk to all the other Senior boys and flirt around with them, mention prom, and see if any of them would be interested in taking me. "Isn't that freaking genius?"

It wasn't a bad idea, but I don't know if I could do that to Eddie. "It's not bad," I shrug. "I don't know; I don't want to hurt his feelings or anything."

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