Chapter 61.

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Holy shit!!!

Eddie found his dad at Reefer Rick's house and confronted him. Then I guess he punched his dad in the face, which he deserved. And he 'escaped' I don't know, it was a lot. I felt so bad for Eddie though. Learning more about his mother and now he doesn't know if he has a brother that's alive or not.

Wayne won't be home for a couple of hours. And Eddie planned on telling his uncle what happened. Even though his dad told him not to say anything to anyone.

"Now what?" I ask, curious as to what Eddie is going to do about his dad.

"I don't know, but I'm not going to tell the police just yet. There's still a lot about my mom I don't know much about. There's only a few things I remember."

"Is that the only reason you haven't reported him?" I'm sure there were a few reasons as to why Eddie hasn't reported his dad to the police. One, he's learning more about his mom. Second, I think it's because he hasn't seen his dad in such a long ass time, despite all the bullshit his dad put him through, it's still his dad and I think secretly he missed him.

"I don't know," Eddie said again. "I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Can I meet him?"

"What! Hell no!"

"Why not?"

"You do not want to meet the man that fucked up my childhood."

"Eddie." I laid my head on his shoulder, "I think that I should meet this man and tell him how much you've changed and that you're doing better than he ever has."

Eddie already knows this though.

"No, I don't want you to meet him."

"Is that your final answer?" I asked.

"Yes, that's my final answer."

Eddie looked at the hand that he used to punch his dad in the face. It was a little red, but definitely not broken.

"Does it hurt?" I ask as I take his hand and check it out myself.

Eddie hissed, "A little bit."

"You need some ice or something." Before I went into the kitchen I went to the bathroom to find a face cloth and then I went into the kitchen to get ice from the freezer.

As I grabbed a few cubes of ice I placed them into the facecloth and folded it. I went back to where Eddie was sitting and handed him the facecloth.

"Put this on there."

"Fuck." He hissed. "That hurts."

"You'll be fine."

"I can't believe I punched him." He shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm sure there was a good reason."

"I don't know, I just got pissed, and then next thing I know I punched him."

"It's okay."

"It made me mad seeing him, all these years not having him around and it just brought back all those memories."

"Eddie, it's okay." I kissed him on the cheek. "You had every right to be angry with him."

"I punched him."

"It's okay," I say again. I didn't want him to feel guilty for what he did.

"I'll have to talk to Wayne when he gets home."

"How do you think he's going to take it?"

"Don't know." Eddie shrugged. "Probably won't be too happy about it and he'll want to confront him."

Eddie BabyWhere stories live. Discover now