Chapter 60.

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Eddie's P.O.V

I went down towards Lovers Lake, but I only found empty beer bottles.

He was here. Or at least someone was.

Whoever was here has left. It was evident he was trying to keep a low profile but he was doing a terrible job at it.

I decided to go by Reefer Rick's house and check to see if anyone was there. Rick was still in jail and god only knows how much longer he was there for.

The last time I was there was when I was teaching (Y/n) D&D. She was very persistent about it, and I tried to resist but I couldn't. And I'm glad that I didn't, because I ended up falling in love with her.

As I approached the house I pulled into the driveway. There were no signs of anyone being here but something just felt off. I'm not quite sure what it was, but I was going to figure it out.

I'm sure by now (Y/n) was awake and wondering what was taking me so long.

I stepped out of my van and went to the front door.

It wasn't locked.

The door squeaked as I opened it. There was no sign of life inside, but I still had a weird feeling.

Before I looked around I picked up Rick's phone and called my house, hoping (Y/n) would answer.

The phone rang a few times and there was no answer. The answering machine picked up and I left a short message, hoping that (Y/n) would play it back later.

"Hey babe. I'll be home soon, I promise. I stopped by Rick's house real quick... I uh..." I didn't want to tell her what I was doing at first, I'll tell her when I got home. "I'm just making sure everything is good here. You know, like watering the plants and whatnot."

She knew me though, she would eventually figure it out. And I'm not the type to 'water plants' and the only plants that Rick had were pot plants but the police confiscated them when they arrested him the last time.

It was too quiet in the house and it was quite eerie.

I thought for a second I heard a floorboard squeak, but I think it was my mind playing tricks on me.

"Jesus," I whisper to myself.

As I turn for the door I heard a 'ding, ding, ding' coming from the dining room and it scared the living shit out of me. I looked and saw a fucking grandfather clock going off.

"Fuck, man." I opened the door and ran out.

If I wanted to hide somewhere, where would I go?

I looked over at the garage where Rick kept his fishing shit and his motorboat. Something told me that something else was in there.

Upon entering I took one of the oars that was by the door. The tarp was over the boat and I started poking at it.

I have to be paranoid, right? There was nothing here.

The more I poked the more freaked out I was getting. Before I got to the other end of the boat the tarp flew up and next thing I knew I was up against the wall.

"FUCK." I yelled.

He had me pushed up and had a broken beer bottle by my throat.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, asshole." I pushed him off of me.

"Eddie. Is that you son?" He blinked a couple of times, trying to focus.

"Yes, it's me." I helped my dad up off the floor.

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