Chapter 41

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"I'll see you tomorrow," I said to Eddie as we sat in his van.

"See ya tomorrow." He said leaning in for a kiss.

"I love you." I had to kiss him one more time before I went inside.

"Love you." He smiled.

I gave him another kiss and then another. I hated that I wasn't going to be at his house, I told him I wanted to get ready for prom at my house. He's seen my dress but he hasn't seen me in it yet and I wanted to surprise him.

Later tomorrow Max and the guys will be coming by before I leave for prom. So at least I'll have someone here to keep me company. I love having them around, it's like having a bunch of younger siblings. They've been there for me when I needed it, and I am so grateful for them. I think if it wasn't for them Eddie and I wouldn't even be together.

I walk into my room and turn the light on. It feels like it's been forever since I've been in my room, but it was only earlier this morning that I was in here getting ready for school. My poor bed hadn't been slept in, and it was calling my name. But before I went to lay down to sleep I went over to my closet and saw my dress for prom. I can't wait for Eddie to see me in this dress.

I can't help but think of Eddie the whole time I'm here. We've spent a lot of time together, except for that day or so we've been broken up. Even then I couldn't stop thinking about him. I especially couldn't stop thinking about what we did out by Lover's Lake. The way his tongue felt on my clit, I can still feel it there.

"Shit." I hissed. I get onto my bed and cover over, I needed Eddie here with me. I should've stayed the night.

Fuck it, I slide my hand down my pants, move my undies to the side, and stick a finger inside my folds. God, I am so wet. I think of what Eddie did to me that day at Lover's Lake, I imagine it's his finger deep inside of me. "Yes."

In and out, I am so fucking slick. I add another finger and pick up my speed. "Eddie." I feel his breath on my face, his body over mine. "Oh God." I am so fucking close. I add in a third finger, just like he did that day. I imagine his skilled fingers playing with my clit, making me come undone. God, the way he licked his fingers afterward. "Fuck." I am so fucking close, "Let go, baby." I hear Eddie's voice. It didn't take long for me to come all over my fingers, I was sated. I open my eyes, I'm all alone in my room on my bed. Tomorrow need to get here so I can see the man I love.

I told him on Lover's Lake that I wanted to lose my virginity to him on Prom night. I did go to the mall a few weeks back and bought a cute negligée. It is made of some of the softest silk, and it's see-through. I did get a few stares from the people who were out purchasing things, and even the woman at the checkout. I told her it was a gift for my older sister who was getting married that was a lie since I have no siblings, but I didn't want anyone to ask questions.

I shouldn't be embarrassed about it. With Eddie he makes me feel good about myself, like I'm the most important person to him. I would do anything for him, and he is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. If he was to propose to me tomorrow I would say yes. We haven't been together all that long, it's been about two months since we've been together. But I just know he is the one for me, and I'm excited to spend the rest of my life with him.

All could do was dream of him. He's all I dream about, and I'll be happy dreaming of him for the rest of my life. He is the one for me. There is no one else like him.

"(Y/n), will you marry me?" I hear Eddie's voice, and I look around and see that he's on one knee behind me.


We were at prom, everyone was standing around us, "Say yes." Everyone kept chanting.

Over on the stage was Eddie's Uncle, announcing on the mic, "Mr & Mrs. Munson."

Wait, I didn't even say yes. I look back at Eddie and this time he was standing up and he was in a fancier suit and then I noticed we were at the altar, getting married.

Everyone from Hawkins High was there. From Max to Lucas Dustin and Mike. Chrissy was in the crowd with Jason. Who the hell invited him? I looked around some more and saw two darker figures sitting in the way back, their faces were obscured, but I had a feeling about who they were. Eddie's parents.

"What's going on?" I whisper to Eddie.

"We're getting married babe, he said kissing the bride." Eddie leans in to kiss me.

"Wait, this isn't right though, we were at prom."

"That was months ago babe. This is our wedding."

"What?" It didn't make any sense, I knew that it had to be a dream, a strange one.

"I love you so much, baby," Eddie said, when I looked at him he was standing up but I was lying down.

Now where the hell am I?

"Mrs. Munson, it's time to push." I look forward and see a doctor sitting in a chair. He was wearing blue scrubs and glasses and had a mask on.

"What?" I looked back at Eddie. There was something different about him, he looked a bit older, and his hair was still long but it was trimmed.

"Babe, the baby is coming, you need to push." Eddie held my hand.

"I'm not pregnant," I looked down at my stomach, it was bulging from underneath the blanket. "What is happening?"

"Push Mrs. Munson." The doctor said.

"Push (Y/n)," Eddie said, holding my hand.

Oh god, what is that? It freaking hurts so bad. Oh shit, I'm having contractions. I'm having a baby. I do what the doctor asks and start to push.

"Good job, keep pushing." The doctor says and I continue pushing. I hold Eddie's hand tightly.

"Oh god," I scream.

"Keep pushing." Eddie and the doctor say in unison.

Before I know it, I'm holding a baby in my arms. It's a boy. He's so tiny, but he looks just like his daddy. There was some dark hair on his head, and what was that... I look closer... a tiny guitar.

What is happening?

"Look at our little man." Eddie cooed.

"He has a guitar," I said, dumbfounded.

"I know, isn't that so metal."

Next thing I know I'm back in my room, the light from the sun shining through the window. I look at my alarm clock, it's eight in the morning.

"That was the strangest dream I've ever had."

I head downstairs and see that my parents are at the table eating breakfast. I go to the kitchen and make myself some toast, and I let them know my friends will be here in a few hours and that Eddie will be here to come pick me up for prom.

"Are you excited?" My mom asked.

"Super excited." I was gleaming, I was so excited for tonight. A night I'm never going to forget. I don't think I'm ever gonna forget that dream I had either. One minute we're at prom and the next thing we're getting married and having a baby.

"Before you and Eddie leave I want to get some pictures." My mom said, looking as excited as I was.

"Okay," I said biting into my toast.

"What are your plans after prom?" My dad asked.

I almost choked on my toast, I didn't tell them I was spending the night with Eddie and I didn't tell them I was going to lose my virginity to him tonight.

"Oh, just hanging out with some friends, I'll probably spend the night at one of their houses." It wasn't a complete lie.

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