Chapter 20.

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Eddie's P.O.V

I couldn't believe they were all standing before me, especially (Y/n). I will mess with her, and it will be hilarious. Dustin handed me a bag full of stuff, "Oh shit." I grabbed the bag from him. There were Twinkies and Beer, some spaghetti o's, and some honeycomb cereal. "Nice. Thanks, Henderson and Sinclair." I purposefully forgot to say thank you to (Y/n), and I know she's pissed. I took one of the Twinkies out of the box and unwrapped it. Now for the fun part, I took a huge chunk out of it, and then I stuck my tongue right inside and licked at the cream that was in the middle; her face was bright fucking red. I'm not even finished messing with her.

"So, is that all?" I asked them as I stuffed my mouth with more Twinkies. I looked over at (Y/n) as I licked more of the cream out of the Twinkie, just having her staring at me as I was doing it. I was getting hard. Hopefully, she doesn't notice. Some of the cream was on my lip; so just to mess with her more, I licked it off. It's funny how turned on I was getting, but I could tell she was enjoying it.

"Actually," Dustin's voice took me out of my trance. I was imagining I was licking in between (Y/n)s legs. She tasted fucking amazing, like cherries. But Dustin had to interrupt my brief little fantasy. I looked over at (Y/n) again, but she averted my eyes and looked over at Dustin.

"What's going on, Henderson?" I placed my hands on my hips, perplexed. There was a whole other reason they were here, and it wasn't to give me food. It has to do with (Y/n). Dustin wouldn't go through all this trouble if it were just him bringing me what he owed me for our deal. I must admit, he was a great friend to (Y/n).

"Well..." he started.

"Oh my god, we're here because I wanted to see you. Okay." (Y/n) interrupted.

I would say I'm surprised, but I'm not. I knew she would come around eventually. Better her than me, I wouldn't have the balls to show my face to her. Here she is, and I'm waiting for her to say something.

"So, yeah," she continued. I arched my brow. Is she not going to explain anything? I'm assuming Dustin and Lucas know about the almost-kiss. I do feel like a jerk, but I'm not apologizing to her for what happened.

"Okay," I said incredulously. I know she said something to them, but none of them are going to admit it. They even have Max involved with this.

"So..." Dustin clapped his hands and looked at Lucas and Max, "Shall we take a walk?" He put his arms around their shoulders and turned them around.

"Wait, I want to see what happens," Max whispered.

"No, we need to give them so privacy." Dustin hissed. The three of them walked off, and it was just (Y/n) and me. Fan-freaking-tastic! It was quiet for a few minutes, (Y/n) looked down at her shoes and everywhere else, avoiding me.

I cleared my throat just to get her attention, and she looked up at me. "Look, I don't know what you told them, but..." I rubbed the back of my neck, "whatever it was..." (Y/n) lifted her hand up to stop me from talking.

"I'm not here for you to apologize to me, okay? It's whatever; I don't care if I misread your body language. I saw you leaning in, and I thought you wanted to kiss me, but it was obvious that you didn't want to. So I should apologize to you, I acted childish, and for that, I am sorry." (Y/n) shocked the hell out of me. I wasn't expecting that from her.

"Wow, I uh..." I rubbed the back of my neck again. Damn, I feel like an asshole even more. "I was going in for a kiss, but I chickened out." I laughed nervously. She didn't laugh back, though; if looks could kill, I would be a dead man. (Y/n) glared at me, I saw her fists clenching.

"So you were going to kiss me, but you chickened out?" Her tone was accusatory.

"Yeah, that's what I just said."

"You chickened out!" She screamed.

"Hey, calm down, okay," I said quietly.

"No, screw you, Munson." She spewed. (Y/n) kept clenching and unclenching her fists. I backed away just a bit before she could punch me.

"I don't understand why you're so upset about it," I said, shrugging.

"Are you serious? Are you that stupid?" She was only inches away from me this time; I almost fell over backward.


"I liked you, Eddie, I really liked you, and I wanted you to kiss me, and you didn't. I felt stupid because I thought you were going to, and then you said 'goodnight' instead, and I thought I was going crazy to think that you would kiss me." This time she backed off and turned away from me.

"Why the hell do you like me? You don't even know me."

(Y/n) whipped around and was in my face again; this time, I fell over. "Jesus Christ, (Y/n), what the hell is your problem." I got up and wiped the back of my pants with my hands.

"You're my problem, you son of a bitch." She poked me in the chest.

"Good, I'm glad you got that off your chest. Is there anything else you'd like to say?" Now I'm pissed.

"Yeah, go fuck yourself, Munson." (Y/n) stormed off and went after Dustin, Lucas, and Max.

"Whatever," I yelled over at her, and she flipped me off. This time I was running over to her; why can't I just let this go and have her walk away? "How can you say that you like me? You don't know me. You don't know a damn thing about me." I was in front of her, stopping her in her tracks.

"That's where you're wrong, asshole!" She placed her hands on her hips.

"Enlighten me then." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I don't think I should give you the satisfaction."

She gave me plenty of that just by her standing in front of me, she was so fucking beautiful, and I don't know what exactly was happening. I don't know what these feelings are. I've never really felt like this for a girl, and yet here is (Y/n) standing right in front of me, pissed off, and yet I feel like I should protect her.


"I like you, actually liked you, and I do know you Eddie Munson. I've known you since Middle School."

As if that explained anything, she didn't know shit. "So what? That doesn't mean shit."

(Y/n) threw her arms in the air, exasperated. "Are you serious? How about the little talent show thing they had? You and your band Corroded Coffin played, and I remember not many people cheered, but I was one of three people that did cheer you on. And I remember how you stared at Chrissy Cunningham as she was doing her little cheerleading routine, and I saw how much you liked her, and I remember wanting to be her and have you look at me that way."  I could see the tears in her eyes, and it broke me. But I couldn't let her see me break.

"That doesn't tell me anything." As sweet as she was, telling me that she was jealous of how I looked at Chrissy. Now that I remember that day, I briefly remember (Y/n) going up on stage and singing, but I don't remember the song. I was so enamored with her, but I shook it away.

"Fuck sake, it doesn't even matter anymore. Just leave me alone, and I'll leave you the hell alone." She walked off, and this time I let her.

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