Chapter 47.

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Eddie's P.O.V

One week before Graduation...

Finals are coming up. And I know there's one final I have to pass to graduate. And yes, I'm nervous as hell because I'm not sure if I will pass. (Y/n) believes in me. That's all I need.

I entered the classroom of Ms. O'Donnell's. She has everyone sit at their seats and she starts her lecture and what to expect to see on the final. She looked right at me when she explained that we need to pass because it is very important. At least I've been coming to class. If I wasn't with (Y/n) I couldn't care less about class. But I've been doing better because of her.

"Are there any questions?" Ms. O'Donnell asked.

A few hands went up and she answered their questions. I didn't have to ask any questions. The bell rang and I met (Y/n) in the hallway before the next class.

"Are you ready for finals?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yeah." I lied.

She could tell that I was lying though.

"You don't have to lie, Eddie, I know how nervous you are about it. And if you need any help, I'm here." She held my hand and instantly I felt better.

"There is one thing you can help me with."

"Tell me."

Instead of telling her, I led her to the bathroom, "Go inside and wait for me."

Her eyes went wide, "What? No way. We'll get in trouble."

"No, we won't."

"Are we going to do this in a bathroom stall?"

"Yes, we are sweetheart." I winked.

"You're so bad." She laughed.

"For you, I am."

"Okay, I'll go in."

"Good girl, just give me a few minutes and I'll be right there."

As soon as (Y/n) walked into the bathroom I waited for a few people to walk off so I could follow her in there. The final bell was going to ring in about two minutes.

"I'm coming in," I said opening the door slightly.

"I'm waiting."

The last few people walked by and then I went inside the girl's bathroom. I went into the stall she was in. I couldn't wait any longer. I've been wanting to do it in the bathroom with someone. And by someone, I do mean my girlfriend and thankfully she agreed to it. And thankfully I brought a condom to school with me.

"Come here, baby." I pulled her into me and crushed my lips against hers. I took the condom from my pocket and ripped it open.

"Let me help." (Y/n) unfastened my belt zipped them down and pulled them down to my ankles. She then pulled down my boxers and my cock sprang to life.

"You like it, baby?"

By the look in her eyes, I knew she loved it.

"Let me put that on for you." (Y/n) took the condom and rolled it onto my cock.

"Now your turn." This time I helped her out of her pants. I lifted her into my arms and put her up against the stall door.

I couldn't help myself, I was so enraptured by her. She was so beautiful and I was so lucky to have her.

"Eddie." She wrapped her arms around me and held on tight.

"I've got you baby."

I lined myself up to her clit and pushed myself into her.

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