Chapter 8.

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My dreams were filled with Eddie Munson for the past few days. I couldn't get him out of my head, especially after I was at his house and Dustin and I asked him to teach me how to play Dungeons and Dragons. At first, Eddie wasn't having it; he didn't want to do it. But Dustin made a deal with him to buy him food and whatever else. The only thing that sucks is that we have to do this at Reefer Rick's house. Eddie assured us it was okay since Rick was in jail yet again. It still didn't feel right, though.

I'm glad Eddie decided to help me, though, and maybe I'll get to know him better. If he lets me in, though? I don't know what his life is like, and I'm not even sure if he's even happy with it. I know he lives with his uncle, but that's only because I've heard him talk about it. I'm not sure how many people know that about him. I feel like many people don't know about him, and I think Eddie would rather keep it that way.

"(Y/n)," I heard my mom shout; I went out into the living room and saw her by the door. "Yeah?" Someone was at the door, "a young man is standing outside; he says his name is Dustin." I walked over to the door and saw Dustin standing there, smiling and waving at me.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I asked; I didn't know what he was doing here. "I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me and Lucas for a bit." I furrowed my brow. Why would he want me to hang out with them? I never really spent much time with him before, or even with Lucas Sinclair.

"Don't worry, and we won't bite." He laughed, but I didn't laugh back. "Dustin, don't take this the wrong way, but why are you here? I mean, it's nice of you to ask me to hang out with you guys..." Before I could finish, he put his hand up.

"Honestly, I just wanted to check in with you and make sure you're okay. And I thought you could use the company. You seem like a loner, and I wanted to invite you to hang with Lucas and me. And besides, Mike is in California visiting his girlfriend, and our other best friend, Will, is living out there now. It's just me and Lucas and, on occasion, Max, but at the moment, she and Lucas are still broken up, and it's just kind of awkward."

"Oh." That's all I had to say about that. "Look, (y/n), I understand that we don't know each other all that well, but you seem really cool." He smiled.
"Thanks, Dustin; you're really cool too." He laughed, "I know." We both started to laugh. My mom came outside to see what was going on.

"Oh, Mom, this is Dustin Henderson, a friend from school." Dustin held his hand out to my mom, "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. (y/l/n)" My mom took his hand to shake it.

"It's nice to meet you, Dustin." My mom seemed pleased to see that I had at least one friend from school. Even though I am in my last year of school and Dustin is a freshman. I don't have many friends at school, so Dustin is right; I am kind of a loner. But for the longest time, I was okay with it. It was easier for me, anyway, less distractions. The thing is, I was kind of a loner at home too. My mom and dad work often, but I'm old enough to stay home alone. And once  I graduate, I'll probably go to college and be out of here and hopefully away from Hawkins, Indiana.

"I brought my bike if you need a ride?" Dustin gestured over to his bike that was over in the driveway. "I'll be there in a minute." I smiled at him and closed the door. "Mom, I'll be hanging with Dustin and my other friend Lucas."

"That's fine, sweetie. I won't be here when you get back, and I have a long shift tonight." Of course, she does; she always does. And it doesn't even faze me anymore; I'm used to it. "Your dad won't be home either, so make sure you take the house key with you." She blew me a kiss, and I walked out the door.

"Let's get going." I tried not to sound upset, but I was. I'm used to my parents not being home, but I'm not too fond of the fact that they never really have time to spend time with me. I'm their only child, but I was always with other family members and friends. I love my parents so much, but it honestly pisses me off. Whatever, though, I shook the thought away and sat behind Dustin on his bike. He peddled his bike to his house.

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