Chapter 13.

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Eddie called me.

Holy shit! He actually called me...

This is exactly how our conversation went:

It was almost two in the afternoon when my phone started to ring, I didn't get to it at first, but then it started to ring again, and this time I ran to get to it.

"Hello?" I was expecting it to be Dustin on the other end, but it was the man who I couldn't stop thinking about.

"Hey, sorry to bother you. Dustin gave me your number a while back ago, and I wasn't going to call, but, um, yeah. Look, I talked to Henderson on the phone earlier, and he told me that you told him that he can come by to Reefer Rick's house and play some D&D, and I'm totally up for it..."

It was quiet for a few minutes, and I thought he hung up.


"Sorry, I was just thinking. Um, it's cool, though, whatever. Henderson and Sinclair want to come by and play. So, yeah."

"Oh yeah, cool." I didn't know what else to say. The fact that Eddie Munson called me was something I never expected. I would have to talk to Dustin about it, though.

"Alright, well, I guess I'll see you in about an hour or something. Whatever works for you."

"Okay. I'll see you later. Actually, do you want us to meet you at your place? Or maybe Rick's? Whichever is fine." I wanted the conversation to continue; I could listen to his voice all day over the phone.

"Um, I guess mine."

"Cool, cool, okay. I'll give Dustin a call."

"Don't worry about it; I'll let him know. Maybe all three of you can get here and then just have them leave their bikes here, and we'll take the van over."

"Sure, alright, then I'll talk to you soon then." We said our goodbyes and hung up. I still couldn't believe that had just happened. Never in a million years would I think Eddie Munson would call me. He always seemed the shy type when it came to talking to people unless you were a friend of his. Maybe he's working up to becoming my friend, which is something I'm totally up for. Yes, I'll admit, I would hope that someday down the road, we would become more than that. Baby steps, though. I don't want to scare him off or anything.

At around 3:30, my doorbell rang, and I knew it was Dustin and Lucas. I called out to my mom and dad to let them know I was leaving, and I hope to see them sometime tomorrow. Sometimes it was actually nice to leave this place and actually spend time with people who actually seemed to care.

I opened the door and saw Dustin and Lucas standing there with their bikes. "Let's go (Y/n)." Dustin smiled and patted the back end of his bicycle seat. I closed the door behind me and hopped onto his bike. On our way there, Dustin and Lucas started to talk about Max, who was Lucas's ex-girlfriend, and how she and Lucas started talking again, and he thought there was a chance they might end up together again. I mostly just stayed to myself; I didn't want to butt into their conversation.

"Just because she's talking to you doesn't mean she will take you back," Dustin said.

"You're just jealous because my girlfriend lives in the same State as me." Lucas laughed, and Dustin gave him a death glare.

"Well, my girlfriend is hotter than Phoebe Cates, so there's that." I could tell Dustin was smiling.

"Dude, seriously? There is no way that is true. I mean, Phoebe Cates is super hot. And I saw a picture of your girlfriend. She's not..." before he could finish, Dustin stopped his bike and got off. I had to hop off too, or I would have fallen.

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