Chapter 48

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Eddie's P.O.V

With Graduation almost here I've had a few things I wanted to do before we graduated. I've asked Dustin to come along with me to search for engagement rings. I know that we haven't been together for long but I know (Y/n) is the one I want to marry. A few days after prom she told me about the dream she had of us getting married and having a baby. I've dreamt of it myself quite a few times these past few months.

"What is her ring size?" Dustin asked as we were looking at the display case.

"Uh..." Shit. What size is she?

"You don't know."

"I do." I lied. I looked at the rings and there were a variety of different shapes and sizes. Some were 10 karat and there were some with a huge diamond in the middle. I have to find the perfect ring for her.

"How about that one?" Dustin pointed at a ring that was heart-shaped and surrounded by tinier diamonds.


As Dustin and I continued to look one of the workers came by.

"Hello, my name is Alonso. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Uh, we're just looking."

"What are you looking for specifically?"

I wasn't trying to be rude, it is his job to help people, I just didn't know exactly what I was looking for.

"Tell me about the beautiful lady," Alonso asked.

"She's perfect in every way." That sums it up. "I mean, she's the only woman that has seen me for me and has been there for me."

"Is she into silver or gold? We have a beautiful rose gold ring." Alonso walks over to the left side of the display case and pulls out the Rose Gold ring, it was a teardrop shape with a few tinier diamonds surrounding the bigger one.

"How much?" I knew that rings were going to be expensive.

"This one is $1500."


"That's a little out of my price range." Who am I kidding all of these rings were out of my price range.

"No problem, we have some rings that go as low as 700."

"Uh, okay." I still wouldn't be able to afford it, unless I start saving up. I could always get a job at the garage with my uncle.

"Would you like to take a look?"


Alonso went into the back room to grab the "lower priced" rings. As we were waiting Dustin looked around the store and noticed something.

"Eddie, come here."

I walked over to where he was. "What is it?"

"I found a ring she would probably like." He pointed out at a silver ring, with one single diamond in the middle.

"How much is that?"

Dustin looked at the price tag, "Jesus, it's $1100." He put the ring back down.

"Dammit. I want to find the perfect ring for her." I walked over back to the display case. It was hopeless.

"I mean who am I kidding, these rings are so damn expensive."

"You could always get a ring from the gumball machine." I know he was only kidding, but honestly, it was not a bad idea.

"Here we go," Alonso said as he walked back to the display case holding a box full of rings. He opened the box up and these rings had no jewels on them.

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