Chapter 66.

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Eddie's P.O.V.

A Week Later...

I went to visit my dad, and the two of us were in Rick's house eating some Spaghetti O's. It was the only thing that was around to eat since Rick had been in jail he didn't get a chance to do any grocery shopping. My dad barely even touched his food, he was looking so sullen.

"Eddie, please do me a favor."


"Promise that you'll be a better dad than me."

"I promise." Being a dad scares the living shit out of me, but I know that I will do everything to be a good dad. Before I ever got with (Y/N) I didn't want to have kids. I always thought I would end up just like my father. But now that I'm with her, I would do everything for those kids.

I know better than to teach my children to steal and to break into people's houses. That wasn't going to happen, they were going to have a much better life than I did growing up. My dad wasn't there to teach me how to catch a ball like most dads did with their kids. He didn't teach me to ride a bike, he wasn't there to teach me how to swim. That was Wayne, he did that all for me.

I thought about my mom, she was there for me, and then she wasn't.

When I was only just a baby my mom and Wayne slept together and she got pregnant with his kid. And all this time he thought that his son was stillborn, but now we believe that my mom ended up putting the baby up for adoption. Wayne doesn't know if he wants to go searching for his son, and honestly, I didn't blame him. I felt the same way about my mom, as much as I loved her, I was not sure if I wanted to search for her.

All these years she could've found a way to contact me, but she hasn't.

(Y/N) is always telling me that my mom does love me and I love how optimistic she is, it's one of the qualities I love about her. But I keep reminding her that if my mother did love me she would've found a way to contact me.

Instead of searching for her, (Y/N) and I went to the Mayor and talked about the hospital records about my half-brother's birth, but unfortunately the records are sealed. We then went to the hospital he was born but they told us that we weren't able to see the records, and even though I am family I wasn't able to see them.

"Where's your head at son?" my father's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"What? Oh, sorry." I shook my head. "I was just thinking."

"You're thinking about your mom."

I nod my head. "Yeah."

"Look, I understand that you're upset. I wasn't there for you, and it wasn't fair that your mom went off."

"I just don't understand why she did it."

"I'm not sure, and I'll probably never know."

According to my dad the last he heard she was in Virginia, and who knows the reason why?

Maybe it was possible that my half-brother was adopted by a family and they were in Virginia, and my mom went searching for him. She probably rather be in his life than mine, it was obvious that I was replaceable.

"Your mother probably just felt bad, or felt guilty."

"About what?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. I wish I knew Eddie, I'm sorry. And I'm sorry that she left. But I am happy that Wayne has been there for you through it all."


"If it makes you feel any better, maybe it's a good thing your mom did leave. What if she took you with her? Maybe you wouldn't have met your girl?"

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