Chapter 15.

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It's been three days since I spoke to Eddie. There was just nothing to say at the moment; I still feel so embarrassed about what happened in his van. I know damn well he wanted to kiss me, but he chickened out. Maybe he didn't want me? Whatever, though, because I don't need him. I don't want to play D&D with him anymore, he taught me what I needed to know, and that's that. I'll ask Dustin and Lucas to come by, and when Mike comes back from California, we can all play together. Maybe I shouldn't have asked Eddie in the first place. It was a stupid idea.

My phone rang nonstop the last night, and the night before, I didn't know who would be on the other end. I'll feel bad if it's Dustin that's been calling. At first, I hated that he suggested Eddie teach me D&D, but it's really not his fault. If it is Dustin, I'll have to go to his house later and explain to him that it's not his fault and that I won't continue with Eddie. It's for the best, anyway; it seems pretty apparent that Eddie doesn't even like me. Even though deep down I still have feelings for him and I'm always dreaming of him.

"Dammit!" I whispered to myself. Can't I just get Eddie Munson out of my head? Just move on. Maybe find someone that is actually interested in me? Get over this Munson matter and be done. I can't wait to graduate and leave Hawkins. There's nothing even here for me. I love my parents, but they're barely here half the time. I need to get out and stay away.

Before I could call Dustin, I heard my doorbell ring a few times, and then there was knocking. "(Y/n), heeeey (Y/n), come out here please," Dustin yelled from outside as he continued ringing my doorbell and knocking at the door.
I ran over to the door to open it. Dustin and Lucas stood outside my door with their bikes on the ground. "Finally," Dustin said.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We wanted to know what's going on with you?" Dustin said.

"I'm fine." I crossed my arms over my chest and played it off like nothing was wrong.

"Not what we heard," Dustin said as he passed by me to walk into my house. Lucas followed right behind him.

"Come on in," I said as they had already walked by me. "And how exactly did you hear that I wasn't okay." I walked over to Dustin.

"Eddie." Just hearing his name is breaking my heart. All I want to do is go to Eddie's house and apologize for being so upset. I didn't mean to walk out of his van seething with anger; it was just at that moment I thought something was going to happen, and when it didn't, I acted like a child. I wouldn't blame Eddie if he didn't want to speak to me again.

"Did he say something to you?" I didn't want to seem eager to find out what he had to say. On the outside, I look calm, but on the inside, I'm practically jumping up and down.

"He called the other day, asking if you were okay! He didn't go into specifics about it." Of course, he wouldn't.

I rolled my eyes, "Tell him I'm just fine and don't worry about it. Maybe you can tell him that I won't be coming around to play D&D, though." Both Dustin and Lucas looked at me like I had five heads.

"What do you mean?" Dustin furrowed his brow.

I shrugged. "I realized that I don't like it very much. It's not really my thing; I wasn't having fun." I lied. I enjoyed the game and everything about it. It was a lot of fun, and spending time with people who also enjoyed it was lovely. The last thing I wanted to do was give up all because of one person.

"You don't like it?" Dustin shrilled. Dustin started pacing back and forth. "What happened exactly? I mean, I didn't do anything, did I?" He stopped pacing to look up at me. I shook my head no, hopefully reassuring him that it wasn't his fault. Dustin continued to pace for a bit more, "I know that it wasn't Lucas. So obviously, that just leaves one other person."

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