Chapter 37

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Eddie's P.O.V

2 days till Prom

We are back together. Even though we weren't broken up for long, we're back together. And I am so relieved. I haven't slept in a few days, there are dark shadows under my eyes. I've been growing out my facial hair, which is something I don't usually do. I'm not a fan of facial hair, but (Y/n) seemed to like it. I plan on shaving it soon. Prom is in 2 days and I want to look my best.

I found a nice button-up dress shirt, it's a black one, of course, I wasn't going to go for anything fancy or colorful. I know that (Y/n)'s dress is pink but we discussed it and she said she was okay with me wearing black. And I found myself a red tie to go with my shirt. There was no way I was going to go without my boots. I'm going to wear my boots, and I don't care what anyone has to say. Except for (Y/n), her opinion is the only one that matters to me and she told me she was okay with it. She said she loves me for me and that makes me feel better about myself.

I plan on marrying her someday. Maybe when we graduate high school I'll propose. No. That's too soon.

I'm getting ready for my date with my girl. The last date we had was successful, I had her cracking up laughing because I was singing that Tiny Tim song, I promised her I wouldn't sing anything creepy.

"You have come a long way." My Uncle Wayne said before I left for my date.

"Whaddya mean?" I asked curiously.

"I remember when she first came by here, and you told me nothing would ever happen between the two of you."

I remember that it wasn't even that long ago.

"Yeah, I know what I said, but I'm not going to lie, I kind of had a thing for her even then. I tried to deny it, I tried so hard not to fall for her."

"She was meant for you boy." He said patting me on the shoulder.

"She is." I smiled. I am a better person because of her. I'm passing my classes because of her. At least last time I checked I was. When we were 'broken up' I started to skip class again.

"I'm glad you're back together."

"Me too."

"Now don't screw up again or I'm gonna have to kick your ass." All amusement was gone from his face. "You're lucky she took your ass back."

"I know." I am lucky, and I won't lie to her about anything ever again. I'm not screwing this up.

"Now get that girl and take her out, but be careful." I knew what he was talking about, but I promised that we weren't going to be doing anything like that. I do plan on it eventually though.

"I'll see you later," I said grabbing my keys to the van.

Once I reached her house I knocked on the door and her father answered it. He knows that his daughter dumped me, but thankfully she didn't tell him why. He didn't look too thrilled to see me at the door, thankfully (Y/n) came down the stairs just in time before he shut the door in my face.

"Hey, you." (Y/n) said as she kissed me on the cheek.

"Hey, beautiful," I said, not caring that her dad was still standing there scolding me, I took (Y/n) in my arms and kissed her on the lips. I took her hand and turned to look at her dad, "Don't worry Mr. (Y/l/n) I'll have her home by eight o clock." I didn't give him a chance to say anything, I brought her over to my van and opened the door for her.

It was at three o'clock in the afternoon, I packed a bag of food and some drinks. I brought (Y/n) to Lovers Lake and we had a small picnic. I called her about an hour before I left the house and asked if she had any swimclothes. As we were eating she discarded her clothes and was wearing a red with white polka dots one-piece bathing suit. I froze as she started to strip, it was turning me on.

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