Chapter 53.

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Eddie's P.O.V

2 days till graduation...

It's coming up fast.

I'm fucking graduating from high school.

I never thought I'd see the day.

The first reason, I could care less about school. I absolutely couldn't care less about it. It was so mundane.

The second reason, I would usually get myself into trouble and I'd be in and out of jail and my uncle always had to bail me out. That is the Munson way if you didn't know.

The third reason, I was always failing my classes. I was always getting F's in every single class. Again, I didn't care.

Then I met (Y/n) and it all changed.

The two of us lay in bed. A thousand thoughts were running through my head.

"You're happy with me, right?" I asked (Y/n).

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you happy being with me? I know that I can be...." I rubbed the back of my neck, "I can be a lot to handle." Is that the word? "I mean, I have this "reputation" and whatever and I know people talk about me being a freak and being a weirdo and whatever else people think about me..."

(Y/n) put her hand up, "Hold on a second,"

I sat there waiting for her to speak.

"First of all, how many times do I have to tell you, you're not a freak."

"I know, I just..." she put her hand up again to stop me from talking.

"You are not a freak. You're an amazing person and I love you and of course, I'm happy being with you."

"Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?"

"Eddie." (Y/n) sat up and straddled me. "I love you, and I am so happy to be with you. You're everything I want in my life. You're my best friend. I am ready to spend the rest of my life with you."

She leaned in to kiss me. "And I mean, you're hot so there's that."

I laughed. "Thank you. And I love you."

"Are you ready to graduate?"

"Hell yeah. I never imagined this day would come, I never even cared about it."

"I know, and now you get to graduate and I am so proud of you Eddie."

"Thanks, babe."

"I love you so so much." She smushed my face and kissed my puffed-out lips.

"I love you too," I said laughing.

The two of us got out of bed because I was getting hungry. It was 11 in the morning and my uncle had left for work. (Y/n) and I went into the kitchen and decided to make some pancakes. She looked through the cabinets to search for chocolate chips.

"Do you have any chocolate chips anywhere?" (Y/n) asked as she looked through the other cabinet.

"Uh, sorry babe, I don't have any."

"What?" She looked shocked.

"Why would we have chocolate chips?"

"For pancakes Eddie, for pancakes."

"I'm sorry," I laughed. "Maybe you and I can go shopping and we can buy all the chocolate chips you want," I said lifting her onto the counter.

"Sounds good to me." She purred.

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