Chapter 27.

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When I saw him earlier this morning with Chrissy, I felt like my heart sank. Eddie has always found Chrissy enchanting, and he wouldn't look at me like that. It's always been that way since Middle School, and for a long time, I played it off like it was nothing. Deep down in fucking hurts, and I don't know how much more I can take.

Now I'm in his arms, crying hysterically, admitting my feelings for him. Being in his arms feels so right, but it's wrong at the same time. I shouldn't be out here; I need to get back to class. I break free from his arms and wipe my face; I probably have snot running down my nose. "I need to get back to class."

"Yeah, me too." We looked at each other for a moment. I wanted to kiss him, but I couldn't. Before I had the chance to walk off, he took my hand into his, "Please stop by Hellfire Club after school."

I nodded. Eddie smiled and kissed my hand.

When I got back to class, I realized it was almost over; the teacher looked over at me and gave me a stern look. "I'm so sorry. I was having girl issues." Saying those things made people uncomfortable, so my teacher gave me a verbal warning instead of detention.

The bell rang for us to go to our second class; I wasn't looking forward to it because I was going to be seeing Chrissy in there. I knew that she was talking to Ms.Kelly, but she would be in here right after. I wasn't looking forward to seeing her because I knew it would be awkward. Once the final bell rang, everyone was sitting at our desks. The teacher welcomed us all back and said that she was excited to get started on the lesson. Everyone groaned that there was a pop quiz at the end of class. I mean, seriously, we just got back from Spring break, and already we have a freaking test.

About twenty minutes into our lesson, the door opened, and in walked Chrissy; she glanced over at me for a second and then walked over to her desk, which was on the opposite side of the class. Jason was sitting there behind her, rubbing her back, trying to console her. Chrissy looked back over at me, and it looked as if she was crying. When the bell rang again, I returned my quiz to my teacher and went for the door. I tried to get to my next class without being seen by Chrissy.

"Wait, (Y/n)." I heard her call out. Shit! I turned around and saw her heading towards me. Today she was wearing a beautiful blue dress with leggings, and he hair was down. She looked completely different than she did when I confronted her mother at the store. Once she caught up to me, I thought about running for it, but that would've been rude.

"Hey, Chrissy." I smiled.

"Hey. Um, can we talk?"

No. "Sure."

"I wanted to apologize for the other day. My mom was getting to me, and when you came for her, it set me off. My anger was not toward you, though."

The last thing I wanted was another conversation, but this time it was Chrissy that was visibly upset and crying. I've done enough weeping for today. "Chrissy, please, you don't have to apologize. I was way out of line."

"Yes, but I understand your concern. I did confront my mother that day when we got back home. We argued for over two hours because of it."

"Why does your mother do that?" I was genuinely curious.

"Because she wants the perfect daughter. She wants me to be like her but better. She has always been like this, ever since I could remember, but I never had the courage to confront her about it." Chrissy shifted her eyes to the floor. "It wasn't until you did it, that I realized I was sick and tired of how she treated me."

"I'm sorry you had to do that."

"I'm not." She shook her head. "And I'm so sorry for calling you and your friends freaks."

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