Chapter 19.

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The past few days, I've been dreaming of Eddie and the last one I just had felt way too real. I woke up with soaked undies, and my parents interrupted the dream by ringing the doorbell. We never finished our conversation about it, though. Once my parents woke up and had some breakfast, they got ready to go back to work. It's OK, though; I understand that they're always busy, and it would be nice if one day they could stay home and spend time together. It's been quite some time since my parents both stayed home.

When I entered the kitchen, my parents were just heading out the door. My mom kissed me on the top of my head, "We will see you later, sweetheart. Be good." And out the door, they went. I thought about calling Dustin and asking if I could come over for a little while or if he could come by and maybe go to the video store where Steve Harrington worked. Maybe I could ask him out? Steve was a nice guy with good looks, nice hair. But he wasn't Eddie, but that shouldn't stop me from asking him out, right? Maybe I'll just go alone without Dustin; it would be a bit awkward.

Screw it! I don't think Steve would be into me. Besides, he hasn't gotten over Nancy Wheeler, I can tell that he has been trying, but I would see them around School, and they made a cute couple. At first, Steve was kind of a jerk, but I think that was because of his friend Tommy; he was not a great example of a friend. Tommy would antagonize most of the 'nerds' in school. One person was just as bad as Tommy, and that was his girlfriend, Carol. Carol was a total bitch to all the other girls in school, especially me. At lunch one day, I was sitting alone, minding my own business, when she came and sat down with me. At first, she was being really nice, striking up a conversation about boys and who I thought was cute, then she turned around and shouted the name of the guy to the whole cafeteria, and everyone was laughing at me. I ran out of the cafeteria crying; I locked myself in the girls' bathroom for the rest of that day. The guy I told her I thought was cute was Eddie, obviously, but I don't think he was there that day.

I'm glad they're not in Hawkins High anymore; they both graduated with Steve. I don't think they're friends anymore, though, because Tommy and Carol didn't like Nancy very much, and Steve got pissed off at the two of them for something. Anyway, I'm glad that they're gone. I could never be so mean to people like that. I consider myself an outsider, and I don't seem to fit in with some people, which is okay. I don't mind. That's why I feel like Eddie ignores me, though, because he and I are almost alike in some ways. I'm not that big into Metal or Rock and Roll music, but I do like to listen to music on a daily; it helps me slip out of reality for a while.

I go back into my room and turn on my radio and change the stations till I find a song I like. The first one to pop up was Cyndi Lauper's 'Girls just wanna have fun,' and I danced like a fool and sang along with the song. "I WANNA BE THE ONE TO WALK IN THE SUN," I shouted from the top of my lungs. I freaking loved this song. Once that was over, 'Faithfully' by Journey came on, it was a slow song, and it didn't feel right to dance to it by myself. But I imagined dancing to the song with Eddie. Eddie's arms around my waist and my arms around his neck, and we dance slowly while I lay my head on him. Prom was coming up soon, and I had no one to go with. It sucks because I would like to go to Prom, especially since it will be my last year at Hawkins High. I've been saving up my money to buy a cute dress and everything.

When I was out one day, I walked to a local dress shop here in Hawkins, and they had some a beautiful peach-colored satin dress; it was the one I wanted. I think it's still there, but it was a little expensive. For the past few months, I have worked here and there in different places to get money. I've worked at Burger King and McDonalds, and I worked at the mall for a little while too. Altogether, I saved up about 200$; I have also been saving up money that my parents gave me for working around the house. Prom is super important to me, especially for being a senior. This year's theme is 'Prom under the stars,' which I think is so romantic. But, again, I have no one to go with, and I doubt that Eddie would go with me. I guess only time will tell.

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