Chapter 62.

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Eddie finally woke up around 5 am and I told him that his uncle just came home from work a few hours ago. The two of us sat there and talked about what was going to happen and how Eddie wanted to approach the subject. How does he tell his uncle that he found his dad and that his brother could still be alive? Eddie got up from the couch and paced back and forth, mostly talking to himself but looking up at me every once in a while getting my opinion. I could see the worry in his eyes, the thought that he has to break this all down to his uncle has him scared.

"I mean I could just go in there now and wake him up.." Eddie shook his head, "No, that's a shit idea." He began pacing again.

"Eddie, you'll figure it out." I went over to him to get him to stop pacing.

"I need a cigarette," Eddie said as he rubbed his eyes, trying to stay awake.

Eddie opened the door and sat on the steps outside. He took a cigarette out of his pack and lit it, once it was lit he took a few puffs. I went out to join him, sitting next to him on the steps. I wrap my arms around his waist and hold him, wishing I could take all this stress away.

"I just don't know I'm going to do this." He said taking another puff of his cigarette.

"You can do it. And if you need me, I'll be there."

"I know," Eddie said kissing the top of my head.

The two of us sat out there for a little while longer as we watched the sun begin to rise.

"I vaguely remember watching the sun rise with my mom," Eddie said quietly.

"Aw, that's sweet," I said about the memory.

"I mean, I was probably three, maybe four, but for some reason, I remember waking up during the early mornings and my dad would get super annoyed and ask my mom to take me back to bed." Eddie put out his cigarette and leaned back a bit.

"She would take me outside instead to watch the sun rising. I would sit on her lap, and I remember feeling a calmness, I felt at peace." Eddie closed his eyes.

"It sounds nice," I said quietly, trying not to break him out of his memories.

"There were times when we would watch the sun setting as well."

The two of us continued watching the sunrise together and he smiled. He kept telling me about his mother and what he remembers about her, which he said isn't much. But he's happy to at least remember some things about her. Eddie told me that she wanted to learn guitar and that she was the reason he wanted to learn.

I keep going back to the conversation where I told Eddie I could help him find his mom and he rejected the offer. But maybe this time with his dad coming back into his life, he would want to find his mother.


"Yeah?" He asked looking over at me.

"Remember when I asked about finding your mom..."

"I do, and I'm going to say no."

"But why?"

"I love my mother, but she doesn't want me. If she cared she would've found a way to contact me. I mean, she could always look in the damn phone book and find Wayne's Number. Hell, she could find out the address and send me a freaking letter. She hasn't though," Eddie stood up and took out another cigarette.

"She was a very important person in my life and then she left because she got fed up with my dad's bullshit. I mean, she got pregnant by my uncle while my dad was in jail. And claimed that the baby was stillborn but she told my dad that she gave him up for adoption." Eddie took a few puffs from his cigarette and began to pace again.

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