Chapter 22.

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Eddie's P.O.V

Earlier that day...

After (Y/n) walked away, I returned to the skull-shaped rock and sat down. I did it again, I made her feel like shit, and I didn't even apologize for it. It took a while for me to realize I was crying. What the hell is wrong with you, Munson? Why the hell am I crying over some girl? Because you're in love. I shake the thought away. No, the hell you're not.

The voice in my head needs to shut the fuck up. I take a cigarette and light it up. I take a few puffs, and I hear footsteps. I stand and see Dustin with Lucas and Max, but (Y/n) isn't with them. She doesn't want to see you, asshole! "Shut the fuck up!" I say to myself.

"I didn't say anything," Dustin said defensively.

"I wasn't talking to you." Dustin winced at my tone. "Shit, sorry Henderson, I didn't mean to yell at you. I have a lot on my mind right now."

"About (Y/n)." He wasn't stupid; he knew exactly that it was because of her, so I just nodded my head.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked.

"No." I shook my head. "What are you doing back here?"

"Oh, we forgot our bikes." Dustin pointed to the bikes that were on the ground; I didn't even notice they were still there.

"Oh." I took another puff from my cigarette, then threw it onto the ground and stomped it out.

"Eddie, is everything okay? What happened exactly?"

"Nothing happened; I'm fine." I lie.


"Henderson, you know how I feel. You brought (Y/n) all the out here, and what good did that do? She confronted me about a little issue, and she got pissed at me." I didn't want her to be mad; I wanted to follow Dustin and Lucas, and Max back up to her and beg her for forgiveness. Just tell her how you feel, Eddie. I shake my head at these intrusive thoughts.

"I know that she likes you, and she thought you were going to kiss her." He shrugged. Max and Lucas were silent, just watching me and Dustin talk.

"I was going to kiss her, and then I didn't, and I told her I chickened out, and she got pissed off at me." Jesus Christ, I don't need to have this conversation anymore.

"Okay, so you do like her. I thought so." Dustin smiled.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because Eddie, you like her. Actually, no, you're in love with her, and you're just conflicted about what to do about it." Dustin said matter of factly.

"Bite me, Henderson."

Dustin laughed, "Eddie look at you; I can tell that you were crying earlier, your eyes are glassy, and your face is still a bit red."

Son of a bitch. "You guys should go, and don't you dare tell (Y/n) any of this because if you do, I will pummel you." I lifted my fist.

"Alright, alright, we're going." Dustin picked up his bike. "Well, talk to you later, Eddie." They all turned and walked back up to where (Y/n) was.

Once they were gone, I didn't walk back over to the rock. I walked over to where they were going. I silently followed them and saw (Y/n) standing there. Dustin told her how I was feeling sad and whatnot, but I didn't see a single reaction come from (Y/n). Whatever, I don't need their pity. Screw them; I don't need them feeling bad for me. I'll get over it. No, you won't. "For fucks sake, shut up." I looked up and saw that they were already gone.

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