Chapter 34

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Eddie's P.O.V

She didn't give me a chance to explain. I should've talked to her first. I tried looking for her after she ran off. Lucas and Max told me she left early. She said something about 'not feeling well.' And it's all my fault. When I got home from school I called her house and it kept going to voicemail. I left a few messages, but I didn't give too much away especially if it was her mom or dad that listened to the voicemails. The last thing I would want is her father to kick my ass. I broke her heart and she doesn't want to speak to me. Prom is only a few days away, and I had planned on taking her. I only talked to her about it a few hours ago, but then I was second-guessing myself. I talked to Lucas and Max about it, and then Chrissy approached me.

"You're not taking her?" She asked.

"I don't know."

"Why not?"

"Can we talk about this somewhere else?" I didn't want Lucas and Max to hear my conversation with Chrissy. I should've known that (Y/n) would jump to conclusions.

Chrissy offered to teach me to dance. I only told (Y/n) I knew how to. But I don't. My mom wasn't around to help me out. I don't know if I'll ever see her again. I had no female influence to help me with certain things. The only person I had was (Y/n) but I felt embarrassed to tell her I didn't know how to dance. And now I think I've lost that one person that means so much to me. I have to fix it though, I want to be with (Y/n) and her only.

Once school was over and after I tried calling her I decided the next best thing to do was go to her house. I knocked on the door a few times but there was no answer. I rang the doorbell and there was still no answer. I walked to the back of the house where her bedroom window was. I've been up in her room a few times to know exactly where the windows were.

"(Y/n) please open the door," I shouted as loud as I could.

And there she was, opening the window to see me down in her backyard.

"What do you want?" She asked exasperated.

"I want to talk to you."

"I don't." She closed the window.

Dammit. Fine, guess what then?

I started to climb the small tree that was in the yard. It wasn't going to be easy but it was worth it. Once I got to the window I tapped on it.

"What the hell are you doing?" I heard her ask behind the glass.

"I came here to talk to you."

She walked over and opened the window and I climbed into her room.

"Eddie, please don't."

"I need to explain what you saw."

She wouldn't have it though. She told me how heartbroken she was and that she didn't want to speak to me. I told her what she saw wasn't what she thought it was. But she didn't believe me.

"I knew you still liked her and you made me believe it."

"No, I don't like her like that. She's just a friend."


"It's not bullshit (Y/n)."

"Please leave."

I wouldn't budge though. I kept trying to tell her that Chrissy wanted to teach me how to dance because I didn't know how to. I admitted that I lied about knowing how to dance and at first, I thought she was understanding.

"That doesn't change anything."

I felt defeated. I told her that I was sorry for hurting her.

"I think it's best that we..."

"No, don't do this." I knew what she wanted to say. She wanted to end, our relationship. It was just blossoming into something beautiful. I knew she was the one I wanted to be with. And she wanted it to be over.

"I'm sorry Eddie." She turned away from me. "I think you should leave." She couldn't look at me.

"I don't want to." My heart was breaking.

"Please." She said quietly.

I could feel the tears threatening to fall, I wouldn't let them though. I'm not going to cry, I have to be strong. Even when my heart is breaking.

"Fine, I'll go." I head over to the door, I turn over to look at her. "But I will win you back because I love you."

Once I got back home I sat down on the couch drinking a beer. My uncle Wayne just walked in and sat down next to me.

"Rough day?" He asked.

"No not at all," I said sarcastically.

"Watch it boy, you're not too old for a smacking." I couldn't help but laugh. It was the first time in a few hours that I laughed. My uncle was looking at me like I had two heads.

"I'm sorry uncle."

"What happened today?"

"She dumped me," I said taking a big swig of my beer.


"Yep. But that's okay..."

"What?" He arched his brow.

"I'm going to get her back." I smiled.

"And how on God's green earth are you gonna do that?"

"Easy," I shrug. "I'm gonna learn how to dance and then I'm going to take her to prom with me."

"Oh sure," I know he didn't believe me.

"What? You don't think I can?" I set my beer down on the coffee table in front of me.

"Now I didn't say that, I was just going to say that it won't be easy, and I know you care for this girl."

"No," I shook my head. "I don't just care for her uncle, I love her."

"Damn boy, you have it bad for this girl." He took a cigarette from behind his ear and lit it. "I've never seen you like this before." He took a puff. "Shit. This reminds me so much of your mama and daddy. The only difference is that you're trying to win her back and keeping her in your life."

"I meant what I said uncle, I love her." Before he had a chance to get another puff of his cigarette I took it out of his hands and finished it off.

"Damn it, Eddie." He scowled.

"Sorry." I laughed.

"Sorry, my ass."

"You know how to dance?"

"Hell no." He said shaking his head.

"Does anyone know how to freaking dance?" I asked exasperated.

"You could always ask Ms. Mayfield. You know that redheaded girl's mama."

"Max?" She's the only redhead I know around here.


"Her mom is an alcoholic. I doubt she is even awake right now." Max has told me about her mom a few times, and I know how she feels.

"I don't know then."

"I'll figure it out."

"I'm gonna watch some tv while you do that." Uncle Wayne stretched out his legs and put his feet on the table.

After an hour of trying to get the basic steps, I was still feeling defeated. I should've just told her the truth and maybe she would be the one to teach me how to dance. For fucks sake.

I walk out into the kitchen and take the house phone and dial Chrissy Cunningham's number. I know that (Y/n) is going to hate me for this but I want to do this for her. I am getting her back before the prom. And I'm going to show her how much I love her.

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