Chapter 35

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4 days till Prom

I haven't spoken to Eddie in two days. I know he's the one that's been calling my house. But I have been ignoring his phone calls. The last time we spoke was when he climbed up to my window. He kept knocking and ringing the doorbell and I tried hard to ignore him. He wasn't going to take no for an answer.

Last night I called up his house to let him know I didn't want him coming by anymore and that we were over. He didn't answer the phone, so I left a voicemail instead. I'm sure that one of them got my voicemail. Deep down I wished he had answered, but at the same time, I was relieved he didn't. As much as I feel like an asshole to end it this way, the two of us are better off.

I hadn't sat with any of the 'Hellfire' club members at lunch and they kept asking Eddie why I was sitting somewhere else, I was still close by to hear them. Eddie didn't say anything, he got up and walked out of the cafeteria. I stayed where I was, because if I moved to go after him then that would've been it. I would take him back in a heartbeat. But I broke up with him and I had to resist to go after him. I mean, of course, I still love him. I think I always will, he was my first boyfriend, my only boyfriend. The two of us never really got a chance to be 'intimate' with each other.

There were the occasional make-out sessions we would have whenever we were alone. A date here and there. I've always imagined what it would've felt like to have sex with Eddie Munson, I've thought of it so many times. I still dream about him, and those dreams get very naughty. But I have to stop, I can't do this to myself anymore. As much as I still love him, he broke my heart. And this is something I feel is going to take a long time to get over.

Dustin came over the day I dumped Eddie. The two of us talked, well he talked and I cried. I'm so fortunate to have Dustin around, he's like my little brother. He's someone that has been around for me and helped me. He encouraged me to talk to Eddie in the first place. So, when I told him we broke up, he was very supportive. He helped me through it. Lucas and Max came over later and we talked about prom.

"I'm not sure if I even want to go now."

They talked me into it though. They cheered me up enough to help me. I mean I'm still sad, but if I go to prom maybe I'll feel better. I'm hoping that I will.

"Don't worry, you'll be dancing the night away and you won't even think about him," Max said.

"Yeah." I wanted to feel confident enough to say it. Deep down, I don't believe it.

"Want to go to the arcade?" Dustin asked. "Maybe we can get your mind off of Eddie for a bit and play some games. Or we could go by the video store and ask Steve out. I bet he would be interested in you."

Lucas and Max agreed with Dustin, but not me. I told them we could go to the arcade and hang out, but I wasn't going to ask Steve out. I'm not going to lie, Steve Harrington is a great-looking guy with great hair, but he's not my type. He was the kind of guy who worried about his reputation and how popular he was. That's not the type of guy I want.

Eddie was the type who didn't care about being popular. And I admired him for that.

Again, that was when I dumped Eddie and today I am home crying again. Sad and disappointed.

I went downstairs and saw my mom sitting at the kitchen table, I haven't told my parents that Eddie and I broke up, but I'm pretty sure she knows. I wiped my eyes before I entered the kitchen but she stopped me before I could sit down.

"Oh sweetie, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Mom." I lied.

She arched her brow, "Is that so?"

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