Chapter 14.

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Eddie's P.O.V

I was going to do it. It was kind of like a magnet pulling me in. Her full lips puckered to kiss me back, her eyes closing and leaning in as I was leaning in. Dammit, No! I'm not doing this; I can't. I want to, and I really do. I just can't. I feel like an ass getting her hopes up. Instead of kissing her, I whispered, "Goodnight." (Y/n) opened her eyes, and I could see that she was pissed at me, but I didn't say anything. She climbed out of the van and walked into her house. I stayed parked in her driveway for a few more minutes, and I don't know why exactly? I guess I was just waiting for her to come back out here and get that kiss from me.

If she came out, I wouldn't reject her this time. She didn't come out, though; she probably thought I  was an asshole. It's okay, though; I hope she thinks that. I don't even care. Everyone thinks I'm an asshole, and sometimes I show them I am. Deep down, though, I'm a really nice guy. I wouldn't hurt a fly. That's what people don't understand. Everyone thinks I'm a freak, all because I like to play a fantasy game. "Satanic Panic" is what people are calling it; people assume that it's ritualistic and that we're the devil and we're killing people. People can think what they want, but no one truly knows me except my friends. I guess I could call them that; I mean, they're my bandmates, and they play Dungeons and Dragons with me.

I barely hang out with them as much as I used to. They all have their own thing, and hopefully, I will graduate this year and get the hell out of Hawkins. There's nothing left for me here, or at least there is one thing left for me here, and I just let her go. Stop it, Eddie. She's not yours, and she never will be!

No more. Fuck it! She's not coming back out, and I don't blame her. I don't have time for this. I start by van up and back out of her driveway. On the way home, I turned up my radio, and Metallica 'Master of Puppets' popped on. This is a great song, and it's a song I know how to play on the guitar. It only took me a few days to learn to play it, and I think I'm pretty good at it. Does she know I play guitar? No, of course, she wouldn't; I didn't even tell her. There isn't much I told her. It was best to keep things to myself.

Once I got home, I went right to my room. I took my guitar down and began to play the Metallica song that was just playing. It was late, and I'm sure my uncle was in bed, but that wouldn't stop me from playing. My uncle Wayne will probably have the neighbors complain to him that I was being too loud, and that means my Uncle will have to lecture me, and that will probably take a good hour or two. Whenever I did something, someone would go to my Uncle and bitch about me. Again, I didn't care. Once I finish school, I will be out and moving far from here. California is nice, I've been thinking about moving there, and maybe I can get a record deal or something?

Who am I kidding? I'll never get out of here; I'll be stuck in Hawkins for the rest of my life, and I'll end up dying in Hawkins. Maybe I could just leave now, pack some stuff and throw it all into my van and just leave. I won't even look back. I'll leave everything and everyone behind. That means I'll be leaving (Y/n) behind. It's not like there will be a future for us. Maybe I could just avoid her for the rest of the school year. Shit! Then there's that deal that Dustin made, that butthead still owes me. Whatever.

I strum my guitar for a few more minutes until I hear a knock on my door. "Yeah?" I put down my guitar, and my Uncle Wayne opened the door. He looked half asleep and not looking too ecstatic at the moment. Here comes the lecture.

"What are you doing? I have to get up for work in another hour. Know what," my uncle puts his hands up, "never mind. I'm awake, and your ass is making some damn breakfast." I looked at the clock; it was already five in the morning. Jesus, time just flew right by. I don't even know what time I got home. It wasn't that late. "Hello!" My uncle Wayne waved his hand in front of my face.

"What?" He snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Make breakfast." I nodded my head at his request.

I got up and walked into the kitchen. I noticed that there was some food in the fridge, not much, but it was something. Shit, I just remembered that I didn't even eat anything at Ricks like I said I would. My stomach began to growl, "I guess I'll be making some breakfast then." I didn't really want to, but my Uncle did ask, and it was the least I could do since I woke him up.

The bacon was frying in the pan, and I had made some eggs, and once those were done, I filled up two plates with the eggs. There was some bread in the toaster, and once those popped out, I spread some butter over them and placed them on our plates. "Smells good." My uncle said while he was buttoning up his shirt. I turned to look over at him, and he smiled at me.

"Hey, Uncle Wayne..." Before I could finish, he put his hand up.

"I know you're sorry. It's fine." He walked over to the couch and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. "How was your um... game or whatever it is?" I rolled my eyes, my uncle doesn't understand the appeal of D&D, but I humor him.

"It was fine." There wasn't much to tell him. I know he isn't all that interested; he just wants to make conversation. All I could think of was (Y/n). She's been on my mind all week long, but I don't want to. Something about her drives me crazy, in a good way. How her hips sway every time she walks, or how her ass fills in her jeans. Stop it! I need to stop thinking about her.

Everything was done. I took the two plates, and I walked over to my Uncle. I placed the plates down on the coffee table and sat down next to my uncle. We were quiet for a while, eating our breakfast. It didn't take long for my Uncle to start the conversation back up. "How is (Y/n)?" I stopped mid-chew. Just the sound of her name is enough to make me hard.

"Um, she's fine." I began to chew again. I definitely didn't want to have this conversation with my uncle, but I knew he wouldn't give up that easily.

"That's good." He nodded. I'm sure this conversation wasn't even close to being done with, but I got up to get ourselves some drinks. I looked in the fridge; the only thing was beer. I'm not a big fan of drinking beer so early in the morning, but what the hell? I grabbed two out of the fridge and handed one over to my Uncle. I sat back down and opened it up. I took a few sips and took a piece of bacon, and put it in my mouth. I looked over at my uncle attentively; he had some food in his mouth. I lifted the beer bottle to my lips and took a few more sips.

"Did you sleep with her?" He asked, and I choked on the beer, and some of it spit out my mouth. I coughed for a few minutes; my Uncle patted me on the back.

"Jesus Christ, no!"

"I'm just asking." He put his hands up in a defensive position. "You know I want you to be careful, and I know you like her..."

"Stop, okay. I don't like her. Why would I like her? She's not... she's..." Why the hell am I fucking rambling. Jesus.

My uncle Wayne nodded his head, "That's what I thought. You like her, so stop being a damn idiot and just ask her out." He got up from the couch and took his plate into the kitchen.

"Believe me; I don't." Or do I? Son of a bitch!

"Keep telling yourself that," my uncle patted me on the shoulder. "Eventually, you'll have to admit that you like her, and by then, it might be too late. She'll probably move on."

"That's fine with me; let her." That wasn't exactly true. I'm not fine with it. But I have to be because there is no way I can be with her. I'll admit I don't like the fact that she'll find someone else, and just the thought of another guy touching her makes my blood boil. Just last night, Dustin put his hand on her arm, and for a moment, I wanted to yank him off of her. I know Dustin wasn't into her, but still.

"Eddie, when will you realize that she is into you? I mean, how she looked at you when she was here the first time."

"Whatever." I shrugged.

"You're so damn stubborn, just like your daddy."

My Uncle knows I hate being compared to my father, but I guess that's what I get for being a Munson. I swear it's a curse and a blessing all at once. But lately, all I've been seeing it as a curse.

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