Chapter 32.

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Eddie's P.O.V

This is the most fun I've had with someone, I mean other than my Uncle Wayne. This is obviously a different kind of fun. I don't just tell anyone about my life because first of all, it's no one's business. It's different with (Y/n) though. I can tell her anything and she doesn't think I'm a freak or a weirdo.

"Why do people think that about you?" She knows the answer, but she wants to hear it from me.

"Honestly," I rub the back of my neck. "I think it's because I'm different than they are. They see this guy with long hair and who loves playing a freaking fantasy game. And then there's the fact that I've stayed back a few times so I'm a bit older than most of the other people at school."

"They don't see what I see." (Y/n) takes my hand into hers. "You're the kindest, most intelligent person I've ever met."

Damn. "Thank you." I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing her say these things to me.

"Eddie I mean it."

"I know." I laughed.

It hit me, "I know that people think I'm weird, and honestly I'm okay with it. I know I do some weird shit, but it's funny seeing people react that they do."

"Do you do weird shit?" She laughed.

"All the time."

"What is the weirdest thing you ever did?"

"Uh, not sure. There are too many that I've lost track of."

"Come on, there has to be something. What about when you were a kid? Did you do weird shit back then?"

"I did." I nodded.

"Please tell me."

"Okay... so I was probably about six or seven." I shrugged, I don't remember when exactly but I remember the reaction I got. "It was dinner time and my Uncle Wayne was there and a few other people, I think my dad was there? But I could be wrong. Anyway, my uncle invited someone from work to hang with him that day so they came to dinner and I think my grandma was there?" Thinking this far back was hurting my head.

"So yeah. I just remember sitting there and I started to sing 'Tiptoe through the tulips with me' by Tiny Tim. You know the guy with the ukulele." I strummed an invisible ukulele.

"You did not." (Y/n) laughed.

"I did, and as I was singing it I remember that everyone looked at me like I had three heads or something, I vaguely remember someone saying I was a weird kid."

"I would've been freaked out if I heard you sing that."

Light Bulb moment... "Tiptoe through the window by the window," I started off the song softly so she couldn't hear me at first, but then I got a little louder, and I knew people would be staring.

"Come tiptoe through the tulips with me, oooohh." (Y/n)s eyes basically popped out of her head, she looked mortified.

"Oh god, Eddie no please stop." She covered her ears. It was fun to mess with her, so I sang a little bit louder this time.

"Tiptoe by the garden, by the garden of a willow tree, and tiptoe through the tulips with meeeee." This time I had everyone staring at our table and I felt so bad for embarrassing (Y/n) but it was so much fun.

Once I finished (Y/n) put her hands down from her ears. "You're a terrible person Eddie." She wasn't angry though I could tell she was trying not to laugh.

"You loved it, don't lie."

"Not even close Munson."

"You love me though?" I didn't mean to have said it. I know she does love me, but hearing it come from her mouth would confirm it for me. I have no doubts about it.

"I..." (Y/n)'s whole face went sheet white. Good one Munson, you scared the shit out of her.

"I... I didn't mean.."

"I do love you, Eddie." This time it was my turn to go white as a sheet.

"Oh, right, of course." I couldn't think straight.

"Yeah." Damn it, she thought I was being sarcastic. Fucking seriously.

"No, wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, I mean I just had this feeling and now that you've said it out loud, I'm over the moon right now, you have no idea how much I love hearing that coming from you. It means so damn much." Now I'm being a sappy son of a bitch.

"Aw Eddie." (Y/n) got up from her seat and walked over me. "I love you so much. I mean it, I do. I have for a while now. I know we've kind of said it to each other before but this time I am truly feeling it." She placed her hand on my chest, my heart was going super fast it was about to burst. She took my hand and placed it over her chest.

"This is what you do to me, Eddie. I am so crazy in love with you. And I don't care what anyone thinks or what anyone has to say. You mean so much to me, and I am so happy to have you in my life."

Holy shit. "Damn it, (Y/n)." I don't care who is watching. I take her in my arms and kiss her passionately. "I love you (Y/n)."

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