Chapter 59.

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Eddie's P.O.V

"And that's why I think it was my dad." I sat there sitting on the couch with (Y/n) and my uncle. I told him everything about my theory. I explained that my dad must be out of jail and he was the one that broke into that house. My uncle just stared at me like I was crazy.

"I mean I get that a lot of guys grow out their hair." I shrug, "But honestly uncle, I believe it's him."

"Hold on." Wayne shook his head, "You're telling me that it was your dad that broke into that house. You do understand your dad has a few more years on his sentence."

"I know, but what if he got out on good behavior?" It sounded crazy but possible.

Wayne chuckled, "He's a Munson, he definitely did not get out on good behavior."

"I don't know then Uncle. He loved breaking into people's houses."

"Eddie you understand that a lot of people break into people's houses. It happens all the damn time so what makes you think it was your dad that did this. It doesn't make any sense, and you know it."

"I know." Maybe I was crazy?

"Son," Wayne placed a hand on my shoulder. "He's my brother and I know damn well that he wouldn't have gotten out on good behavior and even if it was him, why hasn't he tried contacting us?"

He made a good point.

"Maybe he escaped? And he was afraid of getting caught?"

"Maybe?" Wayne shrugged.

"I'm not going to get in trouble for something I didn't even do. You all know I didn't do anything. Thankfully (Y/n) was here but I don't think they believed me." I put my face into my hands, I was not going to jail.

"Eddie." (Y/n)'s soft voice rang. "You didn't do it. Whoever did it was probably trying to get you into trouble and we will find out who it was."

"Thanks, baby," I said, kissing her cheek.

"We have your back nephew," Wayne said patting me on the back.

"I know."

"Try and get some sleep. I'll talk to the cops tomorrow and see what we can do." Wayne got up from the couch and let out a big yawn.

"Yeah, let's get some sleep Eddie." (Y/n) took me by the hand and led me to the room.

The next day

I couldn't sleep at all.

I kept thinking about my dad.

Which is weird since I haven't cared much about him. He left me.

Wayne told me before he left for work not to think about it too much. I'm just tired and I should try and get some sleep. I told him that I would try.

(Y/n) was still asleep and she looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake her. I wrote a note letting her know I would be back. I was going to head to the gas station and get a few things.

I got into my van and pulled out of the driveway.

When I got to a stop light I took a cigarette out of my pack and lit it. I usually didn't smoke while I drove but I was so fucking stressed out.

Once the light turned green I put out my cigarette and put it back into the pack. When I finally arrived at the gas station I parked at one of the pumps and went into the store and paid for gas. As I filled up my van I went back in and bought some chips and some soda. As I was paying the cashier looked at me funny.

"Hmmph." The cashier said.

I looked up, "Is there a problem ma'am?"

"Nope." She sneered.

Today was not a good day to fuck with me. I'm not one to shout or get upset... not very often anyway. But for some reason, the cashier was rubbing me the wrong way.

Was she one of those people that thought I was a freak? Did she not like how I looked? Or maybe she didn't like what I was wearing?

Which was an Iron Maiden shirt and even though the weather was a bit warmer I had my leather jacket on. And yeah my jeans were ripped, so what?

"Have a nice day." The cashier said in a mocking tone.

Before I grabbed my stuff I looked at her, and whether she liked it or not I had to say something.

"Look lady, I'm not sure what your problem is..."

"You don't think I would recognize you."


"I was just in here a bit ago getting gas for my van," I said thumbing over to my van at the pump.

She rolled her eyes, "No, earlier today."

"I wasn't here earlier."

"Oh yeah, like I believe that." She said crossing her arms. "You thought you could get away so easily."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Here we are again getting blamed for something I didn't do.

"I saw you walk in, but you were covering your face with sunglasses, but I recognized your hair." She looked disgusted.

Again. It happened again.

"Okay, what did I do exactly?"

"You stole some beers from the back and you tried rushing out of here. I called the cops and they came in to ask questions and I described the person."

Damn it!

I rubbed my hand down my face.

"Okay, do you remember which was I went to?"

"Don't play stupid with me young man..." she placed her hand on her chest, "You know exactly what you did next. I followed you outside shouting and you took a left and down the street."

Down the street? That was going towards Lovers Lake.

It had to be my dad.

"Alright..." I picked up my bags and was about to leave but the woman cleared her throat.

"Are you going to pay for the beers you stole?"

Son of a bitch.

"Here." I threw down $20 on the counter. "This is for the beers and my way of saying I'm sorry for being an asshole and stealing." I gave her a wry smile and left.

I threw the stuff into my van and started it up.

Im going to find the mother fucker and kick his ass. He's not going to get away with this anymore. I am done being blamed for things that I haven't done.

Eddie BabyWhere stories live. Discover now