Chapter 5.

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I got on the back of Dustin's bike, and we rode off to the trailer park. I'm not a fan of this idea that Dustin came up with, but if it's the only way to talk to Eddie and ask him what his deal was. I know I'm not an expert at D&D, but all I need is someone to teach me, and why not ask the expert himself? This is going to be a very interesting trip.

It did take almost an hour and a half actually to get to Eddie's. The place was run down, but it wasn't too bad. I know that one of Dustin and Mike's friends lives here, Max Mayfield. She's been living here for almost a year now, she lost her stepbrother Billy in the mall fire, and her stepdad left her mom right after his son died. It was a shame, too, I've seen Billy around School, and honestly, he was a jerk. I wasn't one of the girls fantasizing about him, nope, it was Eddie, and it always has been Eddie since Middle School.

Dustin found Eddie's trailer and stopped in the driveway, or what should be a driveway. We both got off the bike, and he put his bike next to the house and leaned it against the trailer. "Alright, (y/n) ready?" I nod, even though I'm not ready. I'll actually be face-to-face with Eddie Munson again, and I'm sure he won't be too thrilled to see me. Dustin went to the door and gave it a few knocks. There wasn't an answer at first, but then Dustin started banging on the door, "Eddie" he yelled. "Jesus, Dustin, what are you doing?" I whispered; I don't know why I was whispering; it was still daytime, but there were a lot of people that lived here.

"Eddie, come on, man." Dustin continued to yell. Finally, the door flung open, and there stood Eddie, and how I expected him to look, irritated. "What are you doing, Henderson?" He looked at me, "What's she doing here?" Eddie looked back over at Dustin. "That's a good question..." Dustin smiled at Eddie, and I thought he would explain why we were here, but then he looked over at me, "Want to tell him why, (y/n)." Son of a bitch! I gave Dustin a dirty look. I can't believe he just did that, but he's smiling as if nothing happened. I can do this, though; I'm not going to cower in front of Eddie.

"Yeah, you know what, Munson..." What the hell am I doing? By saying his last name, he looked intrigued, maybe a little surprised that I was standing up to him. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned into the doorframe. Dammit, why does he have to look so damn sexy doing that? This is going to be more difficult than it needs to be. Shit, what was I saying? Oh yeah! "I don't know what you think of me, Eddie, but I don't care. I wasn't talking to myself... I mean, I was, but I was trying to figure out how I was going to introduce myself to you." Eddie arched his brow, letting me continue. "Anyway, what happened was wrong. I'm not crazy, and no, I might not know how to play D&D, but I thought someone who knows the game could teach me. And that person who knows the game better than anyone is you."

That shocked the hell out of him; he sputters and looks over at Dustin. "Is she serious?" Pointing over at me with his thumb. "Very." Dustin nodded. Eddie looked back over at me, "No." he shook his head. "What do you mean no?" Dustin was a little irritated, "Dude, she's willing to learn, and she wants you to teach her; what's so wrong about that?" This time I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for Eddie's answer.

"Henderson, you know how to play. Why didn't she ask you?" Eddie asked as he walked out to smoke a cigarette. I didn't even know that he smoked, and as much as I hate it, it makes him look more mature and kind of hot. "Eddie, you are the one she wants." I know Dustin didn't mean it that way, but my cheeks still went hot. I mean, I do want him, but he doesn't need to know that. Eddie let out a puff of smoke and looked over my way again; I had no idea what he was thinking.

"What's in it for me?" Eddie asked, taking another puff. Dustin and I looked over at each other, and I shrugged. "Okay, if you teach her, I'll..." Dustin didn't even know what to do. "How about you buy me some food and maybe some beer for a month." Eddie gave me a smug smile. "Deal." Dustin held out his hand to Eddie to shake. Eddie put the cigarette into his mouth and shook Dustin's hand. "Alright, I'll start teaching you next week, but not here." Eddie threw his cigarette onto the ground and walked back into his house. "Wait, why not here?" I was confused. "This isn't really the place to play this game; we need a bigger space. And I know the perfect place to go."

"Where exactly is that?" I do not like this one bit. "Over at Reefer Ricks. He's in jail right now, but he lets me use his place sometimes." I wasn't going to ask why he goes over there. Not many people know who Reefer Rick is, but I did. He was one of the biggest Stoners in Hawkins, and he loves to sell pot, even though it's not exactly legal. That's probably why he was in jail again. "Um, I don't know." This is starting to be a bad idea altogether. We shouldn't have come here in the first place. "Okay." Eddie slammed his door shut. Dustin and I stood there dumbfounded by what had just happened. "Eddie, what the hell?" Dustin shouted and started banging at Eddie's door again.

"So much for that." Dustin said, grabbing his bike, "We should get going (y/n); I'll take you home." I looked over at the door Eddie slammed in our faces, I marched over to it, and this time I started banging at the door. "Dammit Munson, fine, you can teach me at Reefer Rick's house, and Dustin will buy you food and whatnot." I stood there for only a few seconds before Eddie opened the door.
"Deal." He stuck his hand out, and I shook it, and he gave me a real genuine smile.

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