Chapter 16

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Eddie's P.O.V

I called Dustin the night after I dropped (Y/n) at her house. I haven't heard a thing from her since then, and I was kind of hoping she would come around and play D&D, and I just wanted to see her. I was an idiot for not kissing her, but I can't think of that now. When I dialed Dustin's number, I felt a little shaky.

"Hello?" Dustin asked.

"Hey, Dustin, it's me, Eddie." Even my voice sounded a bit shaky. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Oh hey, Eddie."

Dammit. "I was just wondering if (y/n) is coming by? For some D&D."

"I haven't talked to her since you dropped us off. Is everything okay? Do you want me to call her?" Dustin sounded very concerned.

"No, no, everything is fine." I lied. "I was just wondering if she was coming by or not. It's cool if she doesn't. I'm kind of busy today. I've got to help my Uncle Wayne with some stuff." More lies. Dustin doesn't need to know.

"Oh, okay. Maybe you can give her a call and ask?" That would be the last thing I do. She seemed really upset.

"Yeah, maybe I will. I don't know. Anyway, I'll talk to you later." I hung up before he got a chance to say anything else. I don't want to call (Y/n).

I have to get my mind off of her. I'm not going to bother her right now. Maybe it's for the best, though, staying away from her. If I talked to her, she might not listen to what I have to say. And what exactly would I say? I have no fucking clue.

So instead of worrying about it so much, I head outside and smoke a quick cigarette, and once I put it out, I decide to take a quick little walk through the woods. Nothing about the woods creeps me out; I find it really relaxing. Some people think I'm crazy, but that's okay. I like weird things, and some people just don't understand. As a kid, I would walk these woods and pick up little animals I would find. There was one time I found a baby squirrel lying on the ground injured, so I picked the little guy up, and I nursed it back to health. Uncle Wayne was not pleased, but he did realize the poor thing would've died if I left it alone. After about a week or so, I decided to keep it, and I named him Bucky. I would feed it, and there was one time I bathed the damn thing; he didn't appreciate that much. After having Bucky for another week, my Uncle Wayne told me to bring it back outside to be with his family. I cried for hours, not wanting to give him up, but it was for the best. I don't tell too many of that story; being vulnerable is not my thing.

"Eddie..." I hear a girl's voice; I turn to see Sinclair's girl... what's her name? I call her Red.

"Oh hey..." I still have no idea what her name is.


"Right. Sorry, I'm not that great with names." I give her a small smile.

"It's okay, I was walking around, and I thought I recognized you. I mean, how could you not be recognized with your hair." She laughed.

She's right, and I think everyone notices it's me because of my hair. "What's up, Max?" I don't usually see her walking out here.

"Nothing much, just getting away from my mom. She's been drinking a bit much tonight, and she started crying..." She wasn't laughing anymore; she wrapped her arms around herself, looking uncomfortable.

"Oh man, I'm sorry. I knew your brother, Billy. He was, um...." Honestly, I couldn't think of anything nice to say; the dude was a douchebag.

"He was an asshole, and he was my stepbrother." She corrected me.

My brows shot up, "Damn, okay. Yes, your stepbrother was an asshole, but I apologize for your loss. Must be tough." I didn't know what else to say.

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