Chapter 64.

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Eddie's P.O.V

My uncle came home from work early. I wasn't expecting him, but I'm glad that he showed up. (Y/n) and I sat on the couch watching TV as he entered the room. I was so nervous all damn day today, I was bouncing my leg up and down and (Y/n) held it down to stop me.

"Who died?" Wayne asked when he saw my sullen face. I was so damn stressed, so aggravated and pissed off and sad. I was feeling all these damn emotions at once.

"Your brother is back," I said, I looked up at my uncle's face, and at first he laughed, thinking I was kidding. But soon his laughter died down, and he clenched his jaw.

"What the hell do you mean, he's back."

"I saw him, he's at Rick's house."

Wayne walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer, he opened it up and took a few chugs. He walked back into the living room and sat on the other side of the couch.

"I ended up going to the gas station, apparently he was there and he stole from them..."

"How do you know?" He asked, chugging down more beer.

"Because the cashier blamed me for it. She thought it was me and that I came back, I don't know it was total bullshit." I said recalling what happened at the gas station.

"But why? What the hell is he doing?" Wayne asked gruffly.

"I went to Rick's house to make sure it was him. His hair has gotten longer since we've seen him last, so that's why people mistaken me for him."

"I don't believe this," Wayne said, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

"He told me that the fire alarm went off and he just left without being noticed."

"That stupid son of a bitch." His voice was full of venom. "I'm gonna kick his sorry ass." Wayne got up from the couch and walked towards the door.

I got up and followed him, "Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"Rick's house."

"No, you're not." I blocked him from leaving.

"Out of my way Eddie." Wayne clenched his jaw, "I swear to god, I will kill him."

I pushed Wayne to stop him from being irrational. I haven't even finished telling him what I want to say. I haven't even mentioned the child that he was going to have with my mom. Just by telling Wayne that my dad is back, he's already out to go kick his ass. I can't let him lose his shit.

"Wayne, you need to get your shit together." I took him by the collar of his shirt.

"You better let me go," Wayne growled.

"No." I wasn't backing down, I wasn't afraid of him.

"For fucks sake Eddie, he shouldn't be out. He shouldn't roam free and think that it's okay. And you had no right going to see him, he's going to lie to you, manipulate you. He will tell you things that aren't fucking true." He pushed me away, "Dammit Eddie, your daddy never fucking gave a shit. He was never meant to be a dad."

I should be used to hearing this sort of stuff about my father, but it still stung a bit. Wayne wasn't wrong, my dad wasn't meant to be a father.

"Wayne there's something I need to tell you and you need to sit the fuck down."

As I was trying to contain my uncle's temper, (Y/n) looked completely lost, not knowing what to do. This was the first time she's seen me get physical with someone and it seemed to scare her a bit. I brought Wayne back to the couch and we sat down. I placed my hand on her leg, letting her know that everything was okay.

"Wayne," I placed my other hand on his shoulder. "He knew that my mom was pregnant, she told him."

His face looked stoic.

"She went to visit him in jail, and I guess even after the baby..." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "She told him that she put the baby up for adoption."


"Dammit Wayne," I shook him to get him to speak. "Did you see the baby? Did they tell you it was stillborn?"

All he did was shake his head.

"My mom said..."

He nodded.

"She lied then?" I asked, mostly to myself.

"I've been going to that grave all these years, and what there's nothing even there?" Wayne asked, trying to keep his composure.

All these years he has been lied to. Believing that he lost his child, and turned out that he was put up for adoption instead.

"Is there a way to find the records? Did you have a death certificate? Who buried the baby?"

"I- I don't remember."

"Wayne, think."

"I vaguely remember that your mother asked someone to bury the baby, and I offered but she didn't want me to do that."

She did lie.

"Jesus." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Eddie," Wayne said, trying to hold back tears. "Are you sure that your daddy wasn't lying to you? He does that shit, you know it."

"I thought he was..."

"Your mama told him that she was pregnant with my child."

"Yes, she told him because she felt guilty for cheating on him. And she couldn't keep the baby, she put him up for adoption."

"So my boy is out there somewhere, with a whole other family, and doesn't even know that I'm his daddy." Wayne wiped away the tears that rolled down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Wayne."

Wayne stood up, his fists clenched to his side. His face was a deep red. "I'm going to fucking kill that bastard." He looked over at me, "Eddie all I ever wanted to do was protect you from that man, and I did a terrible job. I'm sorry boy, he may be your father but he isn't your daddy. He was never meant to become a father."

Wayne began pacing up and down and every once in a while, he would stop to say something. "That man used to cheat on your mama all the damn time. I wouldn't be surprised if you had any other brothers or sisters out there somewhere. That man couldn't keep it in his fucking pants and your mama would always go back to him."

He paced some more.

"And you know what, I know damn well I would've been a better father than him. You didn't deserve to be raised like that. Stealing, breaking into cars, and houses, that was not right of him. It shouldn't have happened."

"Wayne, please." I stood up and grabbed onto his shoulders. "You were more of a father to me than he ever was."

"Your mama lied to me, she told me the baby was stillborn, I could've been a great daddy, and she took that away from me." Wayne collapsed in my arms, breaking down.

"Jesus," I whispered.

"I'll get him to his room." (Y/n) said.

"It's okay, I got it. You meet me in our room." That was the first time I ever I think I ever called it 'our room' Honestly it felt right. I loved how it sounded.

I took Wayne and helped him onto his bed. I helped him out of his work boots and laid him down. I knew that this was going to be hard for him, and hell it took a major turn for the worse. It was best to tell him though, there was no way I could've kept this a secret from him.

Eddie BabyWhere stories live. Discover now